Restitution and Forgiveness
For many sins God requires us to make restitution before we can be fully forgiven. We see this in the Bible in cases where something is stolen. The thief has to restore what has been stolen, or to replace it with something of the same value. In many instances the Lord calls for more to be returned than was stolen. That is part of the penalty for the sin. This is what was to happen if anyone sinned regarding any holy thing. They had to make restitution and add 20% more to what had been defiled. Then, they could go to the priest to offer the guilt offering to atone for the sin. (Leviticus 5:16) We all need to understand God's purpose in having us make restitution.
When a sin causes a loss to a person or a business, it is not enough for the guilty person to be punished for their sin. They have to own up to being responsible for the damage they have done. They need to see that their sin cost an innocent party something of value, so they have to restore that value. Also, they owe even more than what they stole, because they caused the other party trouble. The extra added value compensates for their trouble. Then, if they are contrite and repentant, they can confess their sin, asking for God's forgiveness, and He will grant it.
I believe this is valuable for all of us. I am glad many of our laws follow this truth and require restitution. I believe it is especially valuable for parents to require their children to make restitution when it is appropriate, since it teaches responsibility. I believe all Christians should practice making restitution, even if it is not required by the one against whom we sinned. That shows we are serious about repenting of our sin.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 6-8.
When a sin causes a loss to a person or a business, it is not enough for the guilty person to be punished for their sin. They have to own up to being responsible for the damage they have done. They need to see that their sin cost an innocent party something of value, so they have to restore that value. Also, they owe even more than what they stole, because they caused the other party trouble. The extra added value compensates for their trouble. Then, if they are contrite and repentant, they can confess their sin, asking for God's forgiveness, and He will grant it.
I believe this is valuable for all of us. I am glad many of our laws follow this truth and require restitution. I believe it is especially valuable for parents to require their children to make restitution when it is appropriate, since it teaches responsibility. I believe all Christians should practice making restitution, even if it is not required by the one against whom we sinned. That shows we are serious about repenting of our sin.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 6-8.