Our Resurrection
The resurrection of Jesus showed us that God is able to raise the dead. It also showed us that He had won the victory over sin, death, and the grave. Therefore, we need not worry about those things, if we have Him as our Lord and Savior. He has promised to prepare a place for us in heaven, and then, to come and to receive us to Himself. When that day comes, we have to experience our own resurrection, because we can't go to heaven in a body of flesh and blood. That is what Paul explained to the believers in Corinth and to us. (I Corinthians 15:51,52) I pray that it is an encouragement to all of us.
One day, Jesus will call us all home. We shall not all die physically, but we will all be changed. This transformation will take place in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. It will happen when the last trumpet will sound. Then, those who have died will be raised, receiving an imperishable body, fit for eternity in heaven. Just after that, those who are still alive at that time, will be changed to have the same imperishable bodies. Finally, all the believers will be caught up to heaven to be with our Lord, who was the first to be resurrected, never to die again. We should all long for that day. It will be a glorious day, to be freed from all of the corruption caused by sin and to be taken to a perfect place, never touched by sin. I pray that we all know Christ, and we are confident of this very truth, so that we live in expectation and hope every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 16 and II Corinthians 1-2.
One day, Jesus will call us all home. We shall not all die physically, but we will all be changed. This transformation will take place in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. It will happen when the last trumpet will sound. Then, those who have died will be raised, receiving an imperishable body, fit for eternity in heaven. Just after that, those who are still alive at that time, will be changed to have the same imperishable bodies. Finally, all the believers will be caught up to heaven to be with our Lord, who was the first to be resurrected, never to die again. We should all long for that day. It will be a glorious day, to be freed from all of the corruption caused by sin and to be taken to a perfect place, never touched by sin. I pray that we all know Christ, and we are confident of this very truth, so that we live in expectation and hope every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 16 and II Corinthians 1-2.