Following the Light

It is very difficult to walk in the darkness without falling down or running into something. I was on a retreat one time, and the guys went to a very high point to look at the sky and enjoy time with the Lord and each other. A small group of us decided to go back down to our rooms, after we had spent a long time there. As we got away from the campfire and it got darker, we were unable to see how to go. One of the men turned on His flashlight and led the way through the darkness. All we had to do was to follow the light, and we made it just fine. That is the picture Jesus painted for the people, when He told them that He was the Light of the world, so that if we follow Him, we will not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. (John 8:12) I pray that all of us are experiencing the light of life, as we follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

This verse is so applicable to our society today. Things are getting darker and darker. Some people are choosing just to push forward into the darkness by continuing to move farther and farther from the light of Christ and His Word. This is causing people and our country as a whole to fall down  and to run into obstacles that cause them much harm. If they would only see the truth that Jesus is the Light of the world and follow Him, we could all get to the right destination with no harm being done. Then, the great thing, too, is that once we know Christ, we have His light in us, so we can reflect His light to those around us and lead them to the right destination ourselves, as we all keep following Him. (Matthew 5:14-16)

Tomorrow, I intend to read John 9-11.

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