God will Prevail
There are all types of people in this world. There are many different worldviews, philosophies, and religions. However, there is only One True God, and His truth is the only truth. People pride themselves with having wisdom that is better than God's wisdom. Many believe they have an understanding of things that is superior to what God has revealed to us in His Word. There are even those who give counsel to others that is the opposite of what God has proclaimed, and they believe it will really help those people. None of these is of any avail. since they are all against the Lord. (Proverbs 21:30) The worst thing we can do is to go against the Lord's wisdom, understanding, and counsel.
This world has a view of wisdom, which comes from academics, science, or human philosophies or psychological theories. Many of them have been planted by Satan in the hearts and minds of people to lead them away from God. They are based on half-truths and false assumptions, like the things Satan used against Adam and Eve in the garden. People are susceptible to these errors, because of their pride in their own intelligence, so they want to be able to be independent from God and His ways. If we look back at the history of the world, we can easily see that none of the world's wisdom, understanding, or counsel has ever defeated God's truth in any way. In fact, those who follow falsehoods have all come to ruin in one way or another. God knows that truth is essential for people to come to know Him and to be set free from their sins. That is why He protects His truth and does what is necessary to support it from any and all attacks. I would urge each of us to cease striving against God; it is like beating our head against a wall. Surrender to His wisdom, understanding, and counsel, so He can bless you and your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 22-25.
This world has a view of wisdom, which comes from academics, science, or human philosophies or psychological theories. Many of them have been planted by Satan in the hearts and minds of people to lead them away from God. They are based on half-truths and false assumptions, like the things Satan used against Adam and Eve in the garden. People are susceptible to these errors, because of their pride in their own intelligence, so they want to be able to be independent from God and His ways. If we look back at the history of the world, we can easily see that none of the world's wisdom, understanding, or counsel has ever defeated God's truth in any way. In fact, those who follow falsehoods have all come to ruin in one way or another. God knows that truth is essential for people to come to know Him and to be set free from their sins. That is why He protects His truth and does what is necessary to support it from any and all attacks. I would urge each of us to cease striving against God; it is like beating our head against a wall. Surrender to His wisdom, understanding, and counsel, so He can bless you and your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 22-25.