A Man After God's Own Heart
The people wanted a king, so God gave them their desire. In fact, He gave them just the type of king they wanted. Saul was tall and handsome. God gave him the anointing to be king, and He gave him a chance to faithfully follow His commands. However, Saul failed to obey God, because of a lack of patience and fear of the Philistines. Therefore, Samuel came and told Saul that his kingdom would not endure, because of his disobedience. God had chosen a man after his own heart to be king. (I Samuel 13:14) This ought to cause us to think about ourselves.
Are we seeking to be good looking, impressive person in the eyes of the people around us, or are we seeking to please the Lord? We can't do both. We can be one who makes this world happy by going along with the crowd and making popular decisions, or we can be one who makes the Lord's heart happy because we follow Him closely. We have that choice. Saul chose to take things into his own hands and disobey God's command to wait for Samuel to offer the sacrifice. That showed his heart was not set on the Lord. Therefore, God sought out a man after his own heart to take Saul's place. The second king would be God's kind of king.
When God needs a person after His own heart today, does He come after you? That is the question we should all ask ourselves and decide to be that person whom God would seek out to do His will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 14-17.
Are we seeking to be good looking, impressive person in the eyes of the people around us, or are we seeking to please the Lord? We can't do both. We can be one who makes this world happy by going along with the crowd and making popular decisions, or we can be one who makes the Lord's heart happy because we follow Him closely. We have that choice. Saul chose to take things into his own hands and disobey God's command to wait for Samuel to offer the sacrifice. That showed his heart was not set on the Lord. Therefore, God sought out a man after his own heart to take Saul's place. The second king would be God's kind of king.
When God needs a person after His own heart today, does He come after you? That is the question we should all ask ourselves and decide to be that person whom God would seek out to do His will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 14-17.