Complete Obedience
God is concerned about our obedience to Him. He knows that since He has a perfect plan for our lives, it is very important for us to be completely obedient to Him. (Deuteronomy 12:32) That way our actions or words will be done at the right time and in the right way to fit into that plan for us and everyone with whom we interact.
Sometimes, we want to add to what God has told us to do. We think we know enough to even do what He told us better than what He said. That is not complete obedience. Other times, we want to take away from what He has told us by waiting to obey or by partially obeying Him. Neither is complete obedience. Since He is Lord, we must simply take Him at His word that what He commands us to do is the right thing. Then, we do it faithfully and completely. When we practice complete obedience things work out just as God planned, and He is able to bless us well. It is not difficult, but it takes full submission to His authority.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 15-17.
Sometimes, we want to add to what God has told us to do. We think we know enough to even do what He told us better than what He said. That is not complete obedience. Other times, we want to take away from what He has told us by waiting to obey or by partially obeying Him. Neither is complete obedience. Since He is Lord, we must simply take Him at His word that what He commands us to do is the right thing. Then, we do it faithfully and completely. When we practice complete obedience things work out just as God planned, and He is able to bless us well. It is not difficult, but it takes full submission to His authority.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 15-17.