Trying to Hide from God
People are so self deceived. We actually think we can hide from God. We cause ourselves to believe that we can have secret places which the Lord cannot access, and where He cannot see us. What folly. Jeremiah assured the people that God fills heaven and earth. (Jeremiah 23:24) There is no place we can hide from God.
Sin is so enticing. We enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin, but then, we have to live with the bitter consequences that come. However, we try to escape the shame and the consequences. We try to do that by sneaking around and avoiding being caught doing these unrighteous actions. In the process of scheming we actually convince ourselves that we can out smart God. We can do something in the dark, so He can't see. We can text something and delete it, so He won't know. We do all this hoping to sin without any recourse, but it always fails. God knows all we do, and we will have to stand before Him one day to give an account to Him personally. How foolish will we feel then for trying to evade God? Instead, we should decide now that we must live each moment of each day in such a way that God would be pleased with what we say and do. If we make that our aim, and we turn our lives over to Him, He will give us power to do just that. Then, there is no need for deception, we can live in the light and walk in the truth before the Lord every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 24-26
Sin is so enticing. We enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin, but then, we have to live with the bitter consequences that come. However, we try to escape the shame and the consequences. We try to do that by sneaking around and avoiding being caught doing these unrighteous actions. In the process of scheming we actually convince ourselves that we can out smart God. We can do something in the dark, so He can't see. We can text something and delete it, so He won't know. We do all this hoping to sin without any recourse, but it always fails. God knows all we do, and we will have to stand before Him one day to give an account to Him personally. How foolish will we feel then for trying to evade God? Instead, we should decide now that we must live each moment of each day in such a way that God would be pleased with what we say and do. If we make that our aim, and we turn our lives over to Him, He will give us power to do just that. Then, there is no need for deception, we can live in the light and walk in the truth before the Lord every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 24-26