God is an Optimist
God is an optimist. He knows the human heart, and He still believes there is a chance for everyone to listen to Him and to turn from their evils ways. (Jeremiah 26:3) This is an amazing truth for those of us who take the Bible to be literally true. Please, consider what the Lord said.
In Jeremiah's day the people had been so sinful in turning to false gods and doing terrible things that God had sent the prophets to warn them to turn to Him or He would destroy many of them and their country. He was gracious to send many prophets over a long period of time. Jeremiah was there at the end when God destroyed Jerusalem by sending the Babylonians against them. However, even at that late time, God told Jeremiah to keep preaching to them, because "everyone" could listen and repent. Do we believe that is possible? If God is that optimistic, we should be, also. We should preach, share, and serve everyone with the mindset that it is possible for everyone to come to the Lord. I believe this would revolutionize our attitude and our service for the Lord. Let's try it, and see what God does. We might not see everyone saved and right with Him, but we could see many more come to Him than we are seeing now .
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 27-29.
In Jeremiah's day the people had been so sinful in turning to false gods and doing terrible things that God had sent the prophets to warn them to turn to Him or He would destroy many of them and their country. He was gracious to send many prophets over a long period of time. Jeremiah was there at the end when God destroyed Jerusalem by sending the Babylonians against them. However, even at that late time, God told Jeremiah to keep preaching to them, because "everyone" could listen and repent. Do we believe that is possible? If God is that optimistic, we should be, also. We should preach, share, and serve everyone with the mindset that it is possible for everyone to come to the Lord. I believe this would revolutionize our attitude and our service for the Lord. Let's try it, and see what God does. We might not see everyone saved and right with Him, but we could see many more come to Him than we are seeing now .
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 27-29.