Our Lord's Example
The Lord Jesus washed the feet of His disciples before the Passover Supper or Last Supper. He told them to do what He had done.(John 13:13,14) What did that mean to them, and what does it mean for us, as His disciples? I believe it is very important.
The lowest slave was the one who washed the feet of the guests before a meal. Therefore, Jesus took the role of the most humble servant. He did not simply tell them to do this, but He demonstrated it. It was no ritual or dramatic act just to teach them a lesson. It was an authentic act of unselfish service. Jesus was showing them what He had taught them before this. The one who is greatest in the Kingdom of God will be the servant of all.
Was Jesus instituting a church ordinance of "foot washing?" I don't think so, even though I think foot washing can be meaningful for us today. I believe Jesus was giving His example to say to all of His disciples, us included, that we are to humbly serve all people. Remember, the Lord Jesus did not just wash the feet of His believing disciples. He washed the feet of Judas Iscariot, as well. How many more people could be won to the Lord, if every Christian gave himself or herself to those around them in humble, loving service to meet their needs? How much more willing would they be to hear the words of the Good News, if they saw this heart of compassion and service? I believe it would make all the difference in the world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 14-16.
The lowest slave was the one who washed the feet of the guests before a meal. Therefore, Jesus took the role of the most humble servant. He did not simply tell them to do this, but He demonstrated it. It was no ritual or dramatic act just to teach them a lesson. It was an authentic act of unselfish service. Jesus was showing them what He had taught them before this. The one who is greatest in the Kingdom of God will be the servant of all.
Was Jesus instituting a church ordinance of "foot washing?" I don't think so, even though I think foot washing can be meaningful for us today. I believe Jesus was giving His example to say to all of His disciples, us included, that we are to humbly serve all people. Remember, the Lord Jesus did not just wash the feet of His believing disciples. He washed the feet of Judas Iscariot, as well. How many more people could be won to the Lord, if every Christian gave himself or herself to those around them in humble, loving service to meet their needs? How much more willing would they be to hear the words of the Good News, if they saw this heart of compassion and service? I believe it would make all the difference in the world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 14-16.