Honoring Jesus
Many people seem to want to believe in God without honoring Jesus as God. This is a fatal mistake.(John 5:22,23) We cannot honor God if we do not honor Jesus, because Jesus is the full revelation of God to this world. To believe in Him is to believe in God. There is no other way.
One day every person who was ever born into this world will stand before Jesus as their Judge. There will be two times of Judgment, but He will be the Judge for both of them. One follows the "resurrection of life" or the first resurrection. This judgment is for those who trusted Christ as Lord and received life from Him by grace through faith. Another follows the "resurrection of condemnation" or the second resurrection. This judgment is for those who did not trust Christ as Lord and honor Him as they honor the Father.(John 5:28,29) It will be the voice of Jesus that calls both groups to judgment.
Each of us have the choice of how we will honor Jesus. Please remember, He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord, at all. Our eternity based on our choice.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 8-10.
One day every person who was ever born into this world will stand before Jesus as their Judge. There will be two times of Judgment, but He will be the Judge for both of them. One follows the "resurrection of life" or the first resurrection. This judgment is for those who trusted Christ as Lord and received life from Him by grace through faith. Another follows the "resurrection of condemnation" or the second resurrection. This judgment is for those who did not trust Christ as Lord and honor Him as they honor the Father.(John 5:28,29) It will be the voice of Jesus that calls both groups to judgment.
Each of us have the choice of how we will honor Jesus. Please remember, He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord, at all. Our eternity based on our choice.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 8-10.