A Famine of Hearing the Words of God
God told Amos that soon He would send a famine on the land, not a regular famine of bread or of water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. (Amos 8:11) I believe He has sent another such famine in the United States now. It seems to be stretching all across the land, even through the Bible Belt. We are in desperate need of a widespread sowing of God's Word, because it is our food to nourish our souls and to show the way of salvation to all people.
Sunday morning my message was taken from II Kings 7 and the famine that hit the city of Samaria as they we cut off by the Syrian army. God used four lepers to find that the Syrian army had fled because He caused them to think a huge army was coming against them. They fled leaving everything behind, leaving an abundance of food for everyone in Samaria. Instead of being selfish, the lepers shared the good news with the king, and all of the people benefited.
Could it be that God wants us to be like those lepers? We could be the ones to share the Good News of God's Word with a starving world. However, the cause of the famine is that average believers from average churches are not studying God's Word, and we are not sharing God's Word. We can end the famine, if we will just tell folks around us that God routed the enemy, Satan, by sending Christ to die on the Cross and rise again for our sins. Now salvation, the deliverance from our spiritual hunger, is available to all who will go and claim it by simply turning from our sins and trusting Christ as Lord of our lives. The question is: "Will we end the famine or will millions starve to death for lack of God's Word?"
Tomorrow, I intend to read Obadiah and Jonah 1-2.
Sunday morning my message was taken from II Kings 7 and the famine that hit the city of Samaria as they we cut off by the Syrian army. God used four lepers to find that the Syrian army had fled because He caused them to think a huge army was coming against them. They fled leaving everything behind, leaving an abundance of food for everyone in Samaria. Instead of being selfish, the lepers shared the good news with the king, and all of the people benefited.
Could it be that God wants us to be like those lepers? We could be the ones to share the Good News of God's Word with a starving world. However, the cause of the famine is that average believers from average churches are not studying God's Word, and we are not sharing God's Word. We can end the famine, if we will just tell folks around us that God routed the enemy, Satan, by sending Christ to die on the Cross and rise again for our sins. Now salvation, the deliverance from our spiritual hunger, is available to all who will go and claim it by simply turning from our sins and trusting Christ as Lord of our lives. The question is: "Will we end the famine or will millions starve to death for lack of God's Word?"
Tomorrow, I intend to read Obadiah and Jonah 1-2.