Preparations for Ministry
Every believer is a minister, not just pastors and missionaries. In the Old Testament times there were priests who were from Aaron's family, but now every believer is a priest before the Lord. Therefore, the preparations for Aaron and his sons to minister apply to all of us, as believers, today.(Exodus 28:11) They are not complicated, but they are very important.
We all need to be sanctified, which means set apart from the world so that we belong fully to God. That happens when we trust Christ as Lord and Savior, but it is also a process of becoming more like Christ every day. We can't minister for the Lord on our own, so we must be growing in Him ourselves, so we show others how to know Him and grow, too.
We all need to be consecrated. We must find what God wants us to do to serve Him, and we must be fully dedicated to it. A greeter or a Sunday School worker is no less important in God's eyes than a pastor. We all must be committed to doing His will for us fully.
We all need to be anointed. The oil they were anointed with symbolized the Holy Spirit, so all it means is to be filled with the Spirit and walking in the Spirit every day. Without the Lord, we can do nothing, and it is the Spirit who directs us, empowers us, and provides what we need to do God's will every day.
So remember this every day. We need to be sanctified, consecrated and anointed, so we can minister to others for the Lord as a priest every day to pray for them and to help bring them to the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 30-33.
We all need to be sanctified, which means set apart from the world so that we belong fully to God. That happens when we trust Christ as Lord and Savior, but it is also a process of becoming more like Christ every day. We can't minister for the Lord on our own, so we must be growing in Him ourselves, so we show others how to know Him and grow, too.
We all need to be consecrated. We must find what God wants us to do to serve Him, and we must be fully dedicated to it. A greeter or a Sunday School worker is no less important in God's eyes than a pastor. We all must be committed to doing His will for us fully.
We all need to be anointed. The oil they were anointed with symbolized the Holy Spirit, so all it means is to be filled with the Spirit and walking in the Spirit every day. Without the Lord, we can do nothing, and it is the Spirit who directs us, empowers us, and provides what we need to do God's will every day.
So remember this every day. We need to be sanctified, consecrated and anointed, so we can minister to others for the Lord as a priest every day to pray for them and to help bring them to the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 30-33.