Which Way Will You Run?
The story of Jonah is pretty well known. However, some people leave out half of the story. They focus on Jonah and the big fish so much that they miss the rest of the message which is very powerful. It is the story of one man who ran from God and one nation which ran to God.(Jonah 3:5,10) When God calls you, which way do you run, to Him or away from Him?
Jonah knew the Lord. He worshiped God. However, when God called Him to preach a message of doom to the people of Nineveh, the enemies of God's people, he ran the other way. He went from the presence of the Lord as fast as he could. It was partly because of his prejudice toward the Ninevites, but it was mostly simple disobedience. He ran the wrong way, and he got in big trouble for it. The same thing happens to us today, when we run from God in disobedience.
The people of Nineveh, including the king, did not run from the Lord, but to Him. They heard His Word about their sins from Jonah, and they ran to God in repentance and faith. Isn't that amazing? The pagans went the right way, while the believer went the wrong way. Then, God saw their sincere repentance, and He relented from sending destruction on them. That is also the case today. If we confess our sins, in repentance, God will forgive us and cleanse us. He will not punish us, but bless us.
So, which way will you run the next time God calls? You have a choice between your version of a great fish or God's favor. What will it be? I pray that we will have the good sense to run to God like the pagans in Jonah's day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jonah 4 and Micah 1-2.
Jonah knew the Lord. He worshiped God. However, when God called Him to preach a message of doom to the people of Nineveh, the enemies of God's people, he ran the other way. He went from the presence of the Lord as fast as he could. It was partly because of his prejudice toward the Ninevites, but it was mostly simple disobedience. He ran the wrong way, and he got in big trouble for it. The same thing happens to us today, when we run from God in disobedience.
The people of Nineveh, including the king, did not run from the Lord, but to Him. They heard His Word about their sins from Jonah, and they ran to God in repentance and faith. Isn't that amazing? The pagans went the right way, while the believer went the wrong way. Then, God saw their sincere repentance, and He relented from sending destruction on them. That is also the case today. If we confess our sins, in repentance, God will forgive us and cleanse us. He will not punish us, but bless us.
So, which way will you run the next time God calls? You have a choice between your version of a great fish or God's favor. What will it be? I pray that we will have the good sense to run to God like the pagans in Jonah's day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jonah 4 and Micah 1-2.