God's Mercy
When we sin, God does not punish us as much as we deserve. That is His mercy. However, when He does punish us, it hurts. He knows just how to get our attention. Then, another part of His mercy comes into play. If we return to Him, He is ready to heal us and to restore us to wholeness.(Hosea 6:1) Think about His mercy.
When was the last time you got beat up by someone, and they bandaged you up, so you would recover from your beating? It doesn't happen very often with people, but it happens with God. The key is to realize you are getting beat up by God and ask for His mercy as you return to Him. Know that He is delivering the beating to keep you from fully destroying yourself by sin. He only needs to see repentance, and He is ready to take the necessary steps for you to heal completely from your wounds.
Stop to consider why your life is going as it is. Are you being beat up? It could be the Lord. Listen to see what sins you are committing. Repent and return to Him and His ways. Then, He will be there to restore your spiritual life and health, so that your life can get on track and be better than ever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 8-10.
When was the last time you got beat up by someone, and they bandaged you up, so you would recover from your beating? It doesn't happen very often with people, but it happens with God. The key is to realize you are getting beat up by God and ask for His mercy as you return to Him. Know that He is delivering the beating to keep you from fully destroying yourself by sin. He only needs to see repentance, and He is ready to take the necessary steps for you to heal completely from your wounds.
Stop to consider why your life is going as it is. Are you being beat up? It could be the Lord. Listen to see what sins you are committing. Repent and return to Him and His ways. Then, He will be there to restore your spiritual life and health, so that your life can get on track and be better than ever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 8-10.