Obscuring the Obvious
Some things in life should just be obvious to us. However, we live in a day and time when people are obscuring the obvious by choosing the opposite to reality. It was the same in Isaiah's time.(Isaiah 5:20) It is hard to see how people can call evil good and good evil or light darkness and darkness light, but it is being done every day. Just think about going to a cafe for some ice cream with a friend. When you both taste the delicious treats, you comment on how sweet it is, while they insist it is very bitter. That is just how insane this becomes for us.
God has to punish a culture once they get to this point, because every day more and more people are being led astray by those who state the opposite to the truth to be reality. We are there now. However, Christians are to be salt and light in the midst of such confusion. We must preserve the truth like salt and shine the light of truth when these things are said. That is the only hope for a culture that obscures the obvious.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 7-9.
God has to punish a culture once they get to this point, because every day more and more people are being led astray by those who state the opposite to the truth to be reality. We are there now. However, Christians are to be salt and light in the midst of such confusion. We must preserve the truth like salt and shine the light of truth when these things are said. That is the only hope for a culture that obscures the obvious.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 7-9.