Fallen or Standing?
Life is hard, and life is not fair. None of us can change that. All we can do is decide what we will do to conquer life's challenges. Some trust in other things besides the Lord, while others remember the name of the Lord our God and call on Him consistently. Those who call on the Lord are those who will stand firm through all of life, no matter what happens.(Psalm 20:7,8)
In our reading today there are references to how King David and King Jesus trusted in God, so that they came out standing when life gave them its best shots. David was defamed, betrayed, assaulted, and attacked by family and enemies, but through it all he remained true to the Lord, and He stood victorious. Jesus was attacked verbally, betrayed, and killed on a cross. However, He called to the Father, and He rose victorious on the third day. We need to listen to the Word of God and stop trying to handle adversity and prosperity by ourselves. In all we do we must trust the Lord on a daily basis. Then, all will see the result. We will be standing, when many have fallen all around us. Please, don't be one of the fallen. Decide to be one who stands.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 23-25.
In our reading today there are references to how King David and King Jesus trusted in God, so that they came out standing when life gave them its best shots. David was defamed, betrayed, assaulted, and attacked by family and enemies, but through it all he remained true to the Lord, and He stood victorious. Jesus was attacked verbally, betrayed, and killed on a cross. However, He called to the Father, and He rose victorious on the third day. We need to listen to the Word of God and stop trying to handle adversity and prosperity by ourselves. In all we do we must trust the Lord on a daily basis. Then, all will see the result. We will be standing, when many have fallen all around us. Please, don't be one of the fallen. Decide to be one who stands.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 23-25.