God's Heart For Unbelievers
God has no pleasure in the death of unbelievers. It breaks His heart that even one person would reject Him and not repent of their sins and turn to Him in faith.(Ezekiel 18:23) We need to see God's heart, and we need to have the same heart for all people.
People reject God. They blaspheme Him. They reject His Word. They try to get others to agree with them and turn from God. They commit the most terrible sins imaginable. God still loves them. He never gives up on them. Yes, a person can commit the unpardonable sin, but that is a person who totally gives up on God and blasphemes the Holy Spirit. It is their choice to reject God, not His to reject them. God is long-suffering, like the father in the parable of the prodigal son.
Let's remember God's heart, and let's not give up on people. Let's love them and do whatever we can to reach out to them, no matter what they do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 19-22.