False Prophets
Please, do not listen to just anyone who says they are speaking for the Lord. Jeremiah makes this very clear.(Jeremiah 23:16) There are a lot of people who say they have a vision, but it is from their own heart. You will be confronted by all kinds of messages that claim to be from the Lord, but the fruit is the key. Some messages make the people who hear them and follow them "worthless." Stay away from those prophets and those messages.
God's Word is our standard. It is the truth.(John 17:17) It has been given as our guide to righteousness.(II Timothy 3:16) We must test every prophet and every message we hear by the Bible. If it is not in line with the Bible, it is not from the Lord.
Also, most of the time if the prophet is saying something that pleases the flesh, it is not true. In Jeremiah's day and today, there are all kinds of people who talk about being rich, healthy, and powerful. They preach about peace when there is no peace. Those messages are from their own heart and not God's heart. Remember, life is not easy. The Christian life is not easy. It takes a great commitment to love and follow the Lord. We will still have troubles when we follow Him. He is not in the business of making us happy all of the time. He is wanting us to be like Jesus. If the prophet is not leading us to be more like Christ, he is a false prophet.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 24-26.