Amend Your Ways
I had good flights home yesterday. Thanks for your prayers and concern. Also, thank you Don Wells and Jerry Loving for picking me up at the airport. I know there were others who would have helped, too. Please, continue to pray for Chris and the Loomis family as they battle this cold and congestion. I had a very nice visit. It was great to spend time with them and with the people of Japan. God loves them and wants them to be saved. I am more convinced than ever.
I was able to read a book on my long flight to Detroit. It is called Soul Detox. I would recommend it. It is very helpful, and it was a joy to read. It was right in line with what Jeremiah told the people of Judah in Jeremiah 26:13. If we do not amend our ways and our doings, God can't bless us. Let me explain.
As believers, we are saved from our sins by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. When we get saved, our hearts, minds and wills need to be reprogrammed by the Spirit, so that we live out our salvation each day by grace through faith in Jesus. Since there was so much programmed into our hearts, minds and wills, we must amend our ways. The word amend means to change, but it is more than that. It means to change by adding to what we do. We must add the things of the Lord to walk with Him each day. To do this we have to subtract the things that detract from what God wants to make us. It is a process, but it is vital.
The book, Soul Detox, goes through each area of our lives and shows how to amend our ways and our doings. If you don't want to read the book, just do what Jeremiah said. Read the Bible daily, and ask God to show you what to add and what to subtract. He will do it, if you are sincere. Then, you will know His rewards instead of His punishment.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 27-29.