Call To Me
Most of us know and cherish Jeremiah 33:3. It is a great verse from the Word of God. It is true, and we can rely on it. I want to give us some food for thought about this verse and other similar verses. I believe we need to see it more as a command than a promise. Let me explain.
People that see this verse as a promise tend to believe that they can ask for anything wonderful, and God will do it. Watch out if you are thinking that way. That makes you God, and it makes God your servant. He is not anyone's servant. He does what He wants to do and what He knows is best for everyone.
Look at the context of Jeremiah 32-33. Jeremiah's uncle asks him to buy a field from him, because he is the closest family member. Jeremiah buys the field because he knows it is the Lord prompting the transaction for a reason. Jeremiah had told the people that they would come back to Jerusalem after 70 years of exile. This was a way that Jeremiah could prove that he believed what he had said. He bought the field, and had the deed put in a safe container so it would last until his relatives returned to claim it. It is into this context that God sends the command, "Call to Me , and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." It is a command for Jeremiah to pray for the Lord's will to be done, knowing that it would be even better than he could even imagine. In the rest of the chapter God says that He will return the people to the land, forgive their sins, and put a song of joy on their hearts and lips. This was inconceivable to the people, because they could look around at the city that had been burned, the plundered Temple, and the broken walls. They knew that the Babylonians owned Jerusalem. They were in charge. It was very difficult to see how God would make it right again.
However, God did just that. The people like Jeremiah who prayed for this to happen had a part in doing God's will. The Lord honors the prayers of His saints. They agreed with God, and prayed for His will to be done. He did it in a great way. Is God commanding you to pray in this way for yourself, your family, our country, or the situation in the world? If He is, which I believe He is, then, be faithful to pray, and watch to see His will done in such a great way that you can't even imagine. He is faithful!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 34-37.