There Is No God Like You!
Solomon made a profound proclamation at the dedication of the new temple he built for God in Jerusalem. He said, "Lord God of Israel there is no God in heaven above or on earth below like You, who keeps Your covenant and mercy with Your servants, who walk before You with all their heart."(I Kings 8:23)
Most of us would agree that there is no God like the God of Israel, the One True God. However, it is the reason Solomon gives for God being so unique that is profound. God always keeps His covenant with His servants. When He promises to do something, He never fails to do it. That is because He is All-Powerful and All-Wise, so there is nothing to stop Him. However, it is also because of His complete faithfulness. He is the Faithful God.
Then, notice the end of the verse. Solomon realizes that God is watching to see how faithful His servants are to Him. He gives everything for them, so He is looking to see if we walk before Him with all our hearts. There is no other option, if we wish to honor God and to fulfill our part of the covenant.
This Palm Sunday weekend it is good for us to remember that Christ rode into Jerusalem on that donkey to give His life for us. He had one goal in mind, to die for the sins of the world. He was faithful to the mission, so now we can be saved from our sins. The question is will we give ourselves to Him as Lord? That is what it takes to have our sins forgiven.(Luke 9:23) We, too, must take up our cross and follow Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 9-11.
Most of us would agree that there is no God like the God of Israel, the One True God. However, it is the reason Solomon gives for God being so unique that is profound. God always keeps His covenant with His servants. When He promises to do something, He never fails to do it. That is because He is All-Powerful and All-Wise, so there is nothing to stop Him. However, it is also because of His complete faithfulness. He is the Faithful God.
Then, notice the end of the verse. Solomon realizes that God is watching to see how faithful His servants are to Him. He gives everything for them, so He is looking to see if we walk before Him with all our hearts. There is no other option, if we wish to honor God and to fulfill our part of the covenant.
This Palm Sunday weekend it is good for us to remember that Christ rode into Jerusalem on that donkey to give His life for us. He had one goal in mind, to die for the sins of the world. He was faithful to the mission, so now we can be saved from our sins. The question is will we give ourselves to Him as Lord? That is what it takes to have our sins forgiven.(Luke 9:23) We, too, must take up our cross and follow Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 9-11.