Giant Killers
We all know that David was a giant killer. He defeated Goliath when he was just a young shepherd. However, did you know that the men who followed David became giant killers, too.(II Samuel 21:22)The fact is that his men killed at least 4 other giants. Isn't that amazing? How did such a thing happen?
I believe that we are able to kill giants in our lives whether it is physical enemies or spiritual enemies, when we trust the Lord by putting away fear and following what God has told us to do. I preached a message on this last week. It is only possible to have a growing faith, when we let God give us the spiritual ability to overcome fear by His power. A fearful person will never kill giants.
Also, it is easier to be a giant killer when we know that the battle belongs to God and not to us. Yes, we have to fight, but if He sent us into the fight, He will give us the victory. It is not dependent on our strength. It is dependent on our hearts being right with God.
Finally, it is easier to defeat giants when we have someone who has already done it to show us the way. If alcohol and/or drugs are the giants in your life, look for someone who has defeated them, and get them to help you, as well as trusting the Lord. This goes for any giant. Remember, Jesus defeated them all, too.(Hebrews 4:15) Run to Him for advice any time by praying, and He can show you have to overcome as He did.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 22-24.
I believe that we are able to kill giants in our lives whether it is physical enemies or spiritual enemies, when we trust the Lord by putting away fear and following what God has told us to do. I preached a message on this last week. It is only possible to have a growing faith, when we let God give us the spiritual ability to overcome fear by His power. A fearful person will never kill giants.
Also, it is easier to be a giant killer when we know that the battle belongs to God and not to us. Yes, we have to fight, but if He sent us into the fight, He will give us the victory. It is not dependent on our strength. It is dependent on our hearts being right with God.
Finally, it is easier to defeat giants when we have someone who has already done it to show us the way. If alcohol and/or drugs are the giants in your life, look for someone who has defeated them, and get them to help you, as well as trusting the Lord. This goes for any giant. Remember, Jesus defeated them all, too.(Hebrews 4:15) Run to Him for advice any time by praying, and He can show you have to overcome as He did.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 22-24.