A Sobering Reality
Sometimes, God commissions us to speak to other people on His behalf. Stop, and let that sink in for a minute. That reality has a lot of implications for us and for others.
God sent Moses to speak to Pharaoh for Him. So the Lord said to Moses, "See I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron, your brother, shall be your prophet." (Exodus 7:1) Moses was to listen to God and deliver God's message in God's way to Pharaoh. He had Aaron to aid in this because of his lack of confidence in his ability to speak, but it was up to Moses to accomplish God's mission.
I am convinced that God does the same thing in the lives of believers today. We have to look no further than the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus was given "all authority" in heaven and on earth. In that authority He sent out His disciples to make disciples of all people groups in the world. Now, we are His mouthpiece, His hands, and His feet to share the gospel, to baptize, and to teach the new disciples to do the same things. Jesus goes with us, but He is not going to do it for us. Read those verses and see if that is not what they say.
Therefore, we are as God or Christ to the unbelievers around us.(II Corinthians 5:20) We must determine to represent Him well, and to deliver the message of Christ to all. Moses had a grand mission and so do we.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 9-11.
God sent Moses to speak to Pharaoh for Him. So the Lord said to Moses, "See I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron, your brother, shall be your prophet." (Exodus 7:1) Moses was to listen to God and deliver God's message in God's way to Pharaoh. He had Aaron to aid in this because of his lack of confidence in his ability to speak, but it was up to Moses to accomplish God's mission.
I am convinced that God does the same thing in the lives of believers today. We have to look no further than the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus was given "all authority" in heaven and on earth. In that authority He sent out His disciples to make disciples of all people groups in the world. Now, we are His mouthpiece, His hands, and His feet to share the gospel, to baptize, and to teach the new disciples to do the same things. Jesus goes with us, but He is not going to do it for us. Read those verses and see if that is not what they say.
Therefore, we are as God or Christ to the unbelievers around us.(II Corinthians 5:20) We must determine to represent Him well, and to deliver the message of Christ to all. Moses had a grand mission and so do we.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 9-11.