The Baby Wept
Who can help but be compassionate toward a helpless, crying baby? The tears definitely touched the heart of Pharaoh's daughter as she went to the Nile river to bathe with her servants. She decided to break the rule laid down by her father to kill all of the male children of the Hebrews. She made an agreement to pay his mother to nurse him.(I think she probably knew the lady who was hired was his real mother.) Then, he eventually was raised in the family of Pharaoh and educated in his house. Only God could work out such a plan to save his servant.
Of course, I am referring to Moses, the one "drawn out of the water." In a way his parents obeyed Pharaoh. They did throw him into the Nile river. However, they put him in a lovingly prepared ark first. They put him where he would be discovered, and they sent his sister to watch. God did the rest. Moses not only lived, but he became one of the greatest leaders of all times. He was used by God to lead the children of Israel, Jacob's descendants, out of their bondage in Egypt.
God did not force Moses to cry, but He knows what babies do. He did not force Pharaoh's daughter to have compassion on the baby, but He knows the heart of a young lady. He didn't cause her to go against her father's orders, but He knew she would. He even knew that Pharaoh would listen to his daughter and raise him as a son in his house. God knows people. He knows every heart. He does not have to force us. He just has to work on us in His wisdom. We still have the choice to make. It adds to my reverence and respect for God when I see that He is so wise and powerful, He does not have to violate our wills to see His ultimate will done. He uses simple things like a baby's cry to change history and deliver His people from bondage. He is doing the same kind of things in our lives all of the time. All we need to do is to trust Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 3-5.
Of course, I am referring to Moses, the one "drawn out of the water." In a way his parents obeyed Pharaoh. They did throw him into the Nile river. However, they put him in a lovingly prepared ark first. They put him where he would be discovered, and they sent his sister to watch. God did the rest. Moses not only lived, but he became one of the greatest leaders of all times. He was used by God to lead the children of Israel, Jacob's descendants, out of their bondage in Egypt.
God did not force Moses to cry, but He knows what babies do. He did not force Pharaoh's daughter to have compassion on the baby, but He knows the heart of a young lady. He didn't cause her to go against her father's orders, but He knew she would. He even knew that Pharaoh would listen to his daughter and raise him as a son in his house. God knows people. He knows every heart. He does not have to force us. He just has to work on us in His wisdom. We still have the choice to make. It adds to my reverence and respect for God when I see that He is so wise and powerful, He does not have to violate our wills to see His ultimate will done. He uses simple things like a baby's cry to change history and deliver His people from bondage. He is doing the same kind of things in our lives all of the time. All we need to do is to trust Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 3-5.