God's Great Work Of Deliverance
God brought the Israelite slaves out of the most powerful country in the world through the Passover and the Red Sea. Both events made a huge impact on the people. When the people killed the lamb and ate it at midnight while the final plague struck the firstborn people and livestock of Egypt, they experienced a great work of deliverance. Then, just a short time later they walked through the Red Sea on dry ground and watched the Egyptian army drown in the waves. There was no doubt they had seen the hand of God deliver them. The result was that they feared the Lord and believed in Him.(Exodus 14:31)
These events have been called the salvation experience of Israel. Today, we have a similar experience that should lead us to the same result. We see the Lamb of God, Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins, so that death can't touch us. We have eternal life in Him. Then, when we trust Christ as Lord, we are born again. We become new creatures. The old man is dead and gone. We are delivered from the penalty of sin. Satan was defeated on the cross, and in the power of the Spirit we can live in victory every day. All of this should lead us to fear what the Lord can and will do to us, if we disobey or neglect His commands. Also, we should believe or trust Him once and for all, as well as every day of our lives. He is worthy of all of our trust.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 16-19.
These events have been called the salvation experience of Israel. Today, we have a similar experience that should lead us to the same result. We see the Lamb of God, Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins, so that death can't touch us. We have eternal life in Him. Then, when we trust Christ as Lord, we are born again. We become new creatures. The old man is dead and gone. We are delivered from the penalty of sin. Satan was defeated on the cross, and in the power of the Spirit we can live in victory every day. All of this should lead us to fear what the Lord can and will do to us, if we disobey or neglect His commands. Also, we should believe or trust Him once and for all, as well as every day of our lives. He is worthy of all of our trust.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 16-19.