It's Quiet Now
For several weeks we have been in the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations. Then, today we celebrated Mothers' Day with our mothers and other family members. Now, Lori, Jeff, and the kids are driving to Houston. John and Gao Foua are in the air going home to Pittsburgh. Of course, Stacy and Dixie are on their well deserved honeymoon. Jacob and Anne are in bed. Chris and I are left with our thoughts and prayers for all of them.
It was such a blessing for me to have my mother with us for all of the wedding activities yesterday and for Mothers' Day at church and at our house. She has been in so much pain, I did not know if she would make it, but God is gracious. I am sure He loves family even more than we do. He wants us to be together, so He worked it all out. My mom has been so loving and caring for me for so long. I owe her and my father a lot for the stability and love they have given my life.
I could not have a better wife and mother for my children. Chris is a trooper. As much as we are different, the Lord knew we needed each other to complete us. She has just what it takes to diligently and loving care for all of the children and grandchildren. She even takes care of me, too. I love her so much, and I thank God for her. Now, more than anything physical we both need some sleep. Tomorrow, we will start this new chapter in our lives, and we will do it together. I would not want to have anyone else by my side for the rest of the journey.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 9-11.
It was such a blessing for me to have my mother with us for all of the wedding activities yesterday and for Mothers' Day at church and at our house. She has been in so much pain, I did not know if she would make it, but God is gracious. I am sure He loves family even more than we do. He wants us to be together, so He worked it all out. My mom has been so loving and caring for me for so long. I owe her and my father a lot for the stability and love they have given my life.
I could not have a better wife and mother for my children. Chris is a trooper. As much as we are different, the Lord knew we needed each other to complete us. She has just what it takes to diligently and loving care for all of the children and grandchildren. She even takes care of me, too. I love her so much, and I thank God for her. Now, more than anything physical we both need some sleep. Tomorrow, we will start this new chapter in our lives, and we will do it together. I would not want to have anyone else by my side for the rest of the journey.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 9-11.