The Self-Willed Life
People want to be happy. Many people are convinced that real happiness will only come when they can do whatever they want to do. Therefore, they need enough money, so they don't have to work. Then, they do not have to listen to a boss or keep any schedule. They could sleep til noon and stay up most of the night doing whatever makes them feel good. They are convinced that they could do this for a long time and be really happy. Is that what you want? Is that how you look at life?
The problem with this idea of happiness in life is that you assume that you are the center of the universe and everything revolves around what you want or need. It has as it core the belief that pleasure is bliss and responsibility is painful. Life is reduced to producing nothing. It is an adventure in self will. Do whatever feels good. Ever heard of that before?
Happiness is not found in that way. In fact, we can't pursue happiness and gain it. It is the by-product of doing the right thing. Think about it. When are you happy? It when you make a 100% on a test. It is when you get a promotion at work. It is when you help another person. When you do these types of things, you feel happiness as a result of your actions, not because you were trying to get happy by doing those things. Also, you have to decide to do what someone else wants you to do in all of these cases, don't you? It can't be about you. If it is about you, something will happen to mess up your happiness.
The real happiness comes by following God's will, instead of self will, because He is the One who created right and wrong, good and back. He rewards those who do the right thing with a greater happiness that is contentment, satisfaction, and happiness all rolled into one. Therefore, to have true happiness we have to go against the popular logic. We have to say "no" to self and "yes" to the Lord. Try it with the right attitude and see what happens. God is faithful, and He will do it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 4-6.
March 6 –Matthew 5:14
Ask God to shine through you to those around you who are in darkness, so they see Him in you and glorify God. Give a positive witness about Jesus to someone around you, so they can see the Light.
The problem with this idea of happiness in life is that you assume that you are the center of the universe and everything revolves around what you want or need. It has as it core the belief that pleasure is bliss and responsibility is painful. Life is reduced to producing nothing. It is an adventure in self will. Do whatever feels good. Ever heard of that before?
Happiness is not found in that way. In fact, we can't pursue happiness and gain it. It is the by-product of doing the right thing. Think about it. When are you happy? It when you make a 100% on a test. It is when you get a promotion at work. It is when you help another person. When you do these types of things, you feel happiness as a result of your actions, not because you were trying to get happy by doing those things. Also, you have to decide to do what someone else wants you to do in all of these cases, don't you? It can't be about you. If it is about you, something will happen to mess up your happiness.
The real happiness comes by following God's will, instead of self will, because He is the One who created right and wrong, good and back. He rewards those who do the right thing with a greater happiness that is contentment, satisfaction, and happiness all rolled into one. Therefore, to have true happiness we have to go against the popular logic. We have to say "no" to self and "yes" to the Lord. Try it with the right attitude and see what happens. God is faithful, and He will do it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 4-6.
March 6 –Matthew 5:14
Ask God to shine through you to those around you who are in darkness, so they see Him in you and glorify God. Give a positive witness about Jesus to someone around you, so they can see the Light.