The Older Brother
We finished the Parable of the Prodigal Son or the Lost Son this morning in our men's Bible study. Our focus was on the older brother and the loving father. What a contrast! The father brought out the ring, robe, and shoes, as well as having a party for his son who was dead and lost, but now was alive and found. The older brother would not even come in to speak to his brother, and he resented the party they were having for him. He felt his brother was disqualified from having his father's love because of his sins. He was sure that he was the one for whom a party should be thrown, because he had been living righteously all along.
The father in the parable is a picture of God, the Father, and those believers who have His heart for repentant sinners, while the older brother is a picture of legalistic, hard-hearted church people who may or may not be true believers. This contrast causes each of us to stop and take stock of our own lives. Are we like the father or the older brother, when we encounter a lost soul who comes home in repentance and faith? If there is any question, we need to get it right, and make sure we have the heart of God.
It was no coincidence that the Lord sent me one of those lost sons this evening. I sat and listened to this man's story, which was very similar to the younger brother. He told me how he had sinned, but he "came to himself." He realized his need for repentance from selfishness. He asked the Lord for wisdom, and God gave it. He asked for God to reveal Himself to Him, and He did. Now, he has the peace of having a personal relationship with God, and those around him see the change. I simply rejoiced with him, and tried to give him all of the encouragement I could. I gave him a New Testament and a DVD of the Bible. He left determined to be a witness and to follow the Lord no matter what anyone else does. It thrilled my heart. I can't wait to see what God does with this one who is alive and now has a genuine purpose for living.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 19-21.
February 21 – II Corinthians 2:14-17
Thank God for giving you victory over sin through the blood of Christ and determine to live in such a way to show Him to other people.
The father in the parable is a picture of God, the Father, and those believers who have His heart for repentant sinners, while the older brother is a picture of legalistic, hard-hearted church people who may or may not be true believers. This contrast causes each of us to stop and take stock of our own lives. Are we like the father or the older brother, when we encounter a lost soul who comes home in repentance and faith? If there is any question, we need to get it right, and make sure we have the heart of God.
It was no coincidence that the Lord sent me one of those lost sons this evening. I sat and listened to this man's story, which was very similar to the younger brother. He told me how he had sinned, but he "came to himself." He realized his need for repentance from selfishness. He asked the Lord for wisdom, and God gave it. He asked for God to reveal Himself to Him, and He did. Now, he has the peace of having a personal relationship with God, and those around him see the change. I simply rejoiced with him, and tried to give him all of the encouragement I could. I gave him a New Testament and a DVD of the Bible. He left determined to be a witness and to follow the Lord no matter what anyone else does. It thrilled my heart. I can't wait to see what God does with this one who is alive and now has a genuine purpose for living.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 19-21.
February 21 – II Corinthians 2:14-17
Thank God for giving you victory over sin through the blood of Christ and determine to live in such a way to show Him to other people.