Dying Churches
How is it possible for a church to die? Think about that for a minute. Jesus said the gates of Hades or Hell will not prevail against the church.(Matthew 16:18) In other words, there is no power of Satan that can withstand the Spiritual force of the church. Also, all believers are to be one in Christ and have the same spiritual mindset about life.(John 17) They are all to love the Lord, each other, and other people with the love of God, as they reach out to make disciples.(Matthew 28:19,20) Therefore, what could possibly cause a church to die?
Besides the community becoming a ghost town, there is only one reason of which I can conceive. That reason is disobedience to God. It means the members are failing to abide in the Lord and His Word on a daily basis, and they are failing to share the gospel from a heart of love in a relevant way. Both of these things are disobedience to God's clear commands in His Word. Therefore, the sins of the members cause the death of a church.
Why am I writing about this? There are hundreds of churches that die each year. It makes me ill to think about it, so I can only imagine how it makes God feel. He gives His church the power to see souls saved and added to His kingdom, but the church rejects that power and the church rejects people who need the Lord. They reject their purpose, so eventually enough people die and move until the church dies. The unbelievers in the community see it, too. They see an impotent group of people, who claim to represent the Almighty God, so it is a negative witness to them. What a sad reality that never should happen.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 25-27.
February 23 – Ephesians 1:15-23
Use this Scriptural prayer to pray for yourself, your family members, and special Christian friends. Personalize it, as you think of each individual. End your prayers with a time of praise, as Paul does.
Besides the community becoming a ghost town, there is only one reason of which I can conceive. That reason is disobedience to God. It means the members are failing to abide in the Lord and His Word on a daily basis, and they are failing to share the gospel from a heart of love in a relevant way. Both of these things are disobedience to God's clear commands in His Word. Therefore, the sins of the members cause the death of a church.
Why am I writing about this? There are hundreds of churches that die each year. It makes me ill to think about it, so I can only imagine how it makes God feel. He gives His church the power to see souls saved and added to His kingdom, but the church rejects that power and the church rejects people who need the Lord. They reject their purpose, so eventually enough people die and move until the church dies. The unbelievers in the community see it, too. They see an impotent group of people, who claim to represent the Almighty God, so it is a negative witness to them. What a sad reality that never should happen.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 25-27.
February 23 – Ephesians 1:15-23
Use this Scriptural prayer to pray for yourself, your family members, and special Christian friends. Personalize it, as you think of each individual. End your prayers with a time of praise, as Paul does.