My Chains Are Gone
This morning we had a special worship time with the folks from Shining Light Ministries, a local drug and alcohol addiction ministry for women. It was a very inspiring service, as we heard the testimonies of these ladies, who have been in bondage for years, and now they have been set free from their addictions by the grace of God through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
They closed their sharing time with the director, Teresa Bestwick, singing "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone." It is a great combination of the old favorite, "Amazing Grace" and a new chorus. It says, "My chains are gone, I am set free, My God, My Savior, has ransomed me, and Like a flood His mercy reigns, unending love, amazing grace." It was a fitting conclusion to give all of the glory to God for their victory.
Are these ladies perfect now? Of course not. Are you perfect? None of us are perfect in the sense that we never sin. However, the first step is to have the chains of sin broken by the power of the Cross, and then, the other chains that hold us in bondage can be broken, as well. All of our chains are broken only through the power of God. I pray that if anyone realizes that you are being held by anything except the hands of God, that you will turn to the Lord and seek forgiveness and freedom from bondage through Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 16-18.
February 20 – Psalm 51
Only as we practice confession and repentance can God create in us clean hearts. Ask God to create a clean heart in you and do whatever He tells you, so that can happen.
They closed their sharing time with the director, Teresa Bestwick, singing "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone." It is a great combination of the old favorite, "Amazing Grace" and a new chorus. It says, "My chains are gone, I am set free, My God, My Savior, has ransomed me, and Like a flood His mercy reigns, unending love, amazing grace." It was a fitting conclusion to give all of the glory to God for their victory.
Are these ladies perfect now? Of course not. Are you perfect? None of us are perfect in the sense that we never sin. However, the first step is to have the chains of sin broken by the power of the Cross, and then, the other chains that hold us in bondage can be broken, as well. All of our chains are broken only through the power of God. I pray that if anyone realizes that you are being held by anything except the hands of God, that you will turn to the Lord and seek forgiveness and freedom from bondage through Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 16-18.
February 20 – Psalm 51
Only as we practice confession and repentance can God create in us clean hearts. Ask God to create a clean heart in you and do whatever He tells you, so that can happen.