40 Days of Prayer for Revival
We are having revival services for our church family March 27-30. Out guest preacher will be Phil Covone. He is a very unique preacher, because he is pastor of a Spanish speaking church. He was adopted by missionaries in Mexico as an infant, so he is fluent in Spanish and English. He is a good friend and a passionate Christian. He is being led into an evangelistic ministry in both languages. I am looking forward to what God will do in those days.
Many churches in America have stopped having revival services, because they say they are ineffective these days. I would agree that they are often ineffective, but it does not have to do with our culture. It has to do with us as Christians. We need revival, but often, we are not willing to seek it and to spend time to reflect on our spiritual condition. Also, we are too busy to reach out to other people. Therefore, it is not that revivals are ineffective today. Often, we are ineffective today.
In an effort to overcome these barriers to real revival we are entering into 40 days of prayer for revival beginning today. I urge all of our church family and everyone else who reads my blog to join in this time of prayer. I will post the daily prayer guide at the end of my post each day. May God send revival to His church in America and around the world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 35-36 and Deuteronomy 1.
February 15 – Isaiah 64
God’s Word makes it clear that if we want to experience His Presence, we must be clean through confession of sin and repentance. Pray for His Presence to be with us and for him to show us how to prepare for His coming.
Many churches in America have stopped having revival services, because they say they are ineffective these days. I would agree that they are often ineffective, but it does not have to do with our culture. It has to do with us as Christians. We need revival, but often, we are not willing to seek it and to spend time to reflect on our spiritual condition. Also, we are too busy to reach out to other people. Therefore, it is not that revivals are ineffective today. Often, we are ineffective today.
In an effort to overcome these barriers to real revival we are entering into 40 days of prayer for revival beginning today. I urge all of our church family and everyone else who reads my blog to join in this time of prayer. I will post the daily prayer guide at the end of my post each day. May God send revival to His church in America and around the world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 35-36 and Deuteronomy 1.
February 15 – Isaiah 64
God’s Word makes it clear that if we want to experience His Presence, we must be clean through confession of sin and repentance. Pray for His Presence to be with us and for him to show us how to prepare for His coming.