
The other day I was reading the blog post of my son, John. It was an excellent post about why they are in Aliquippa, PA and what they do there. I would encourage you all to read it. Check out John and Gao Foua's blog at:

When I read it, I was filled with nostalgia. It caused me to think about how God had led me in my ministry. I especially thought of my first pastorate, which was at Smith Bend Baptist Church in central Texas. God blessed us so much during that time, even though I was a city boy living way out in the country. Somehow, God used us, and we saw so many wonderful miracles. The little country church came alive under the mighty hand of God. Check out Smith Bend at:

I am hungry to see that happen again here at North Henry. God is definitely at work. I am praying for John to see that happen in a unique way for John and his co-workers in Aliquippa. God is really working there, as well. In fact, our whole country could use a huge dose of God's power.

What will lead us to such a revival or awakening? It will come when God's people pray earnestly and surrender our lives to the Lord saying, "Lord, whatever you want us to do and wherever You want us to go. We will do it. We will go there. Use us" I hope you will join me in that kind of prayer.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 2-5.

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