God's Providence
As I look back over my live, it is filled with events that were not accidental. It is clear that God saw ahead of time what I needed, and He directed me, so I would not miss it. That is what providence means. It is to see before or to see ahead. Now, I do not believe He forced me to follow Him, but as I was sensitive to His leading, I found His provision. I am sure there are times I have missed His will for my life, and I have missed some of His provision. I will find out one day at the Mercy Seat Judgment.
I am sure God directed me to be friends with Jim Lingerfelt, because for one thing it was through him that I met Chris. Also, through his girlfriend, Melanie, I was given numerous opportunities to preach at her father's church. Then, her father, Albert Mulkey, performed our wedding.
I know God directed my first friend at Baylor to me, because it was through him I found my first church position at Youth and Music Director at Downsville Baptist Church. I am sure He directed me to visit Dave and Norma's house while I was at Downsville, because it was through him that I became pastor at Smith Bend.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture. It is so important for us to follow God's leading because He is outside of time and space. He sees the beginning and the end at the same time. Then, He directs us to the place we need to be to receive His blessings. If we try to accomplish it our way, we can miss a lot of those blessings. However, He is always good to bless us, even when we have been away from Him for a while, if we will humbly turn back to Him. There is nothing like being led by the providence of the All-Knowing, All-Loving God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 4-6.
I am sure God directed me to be friends with Jim Lingerfelt, because for one thing it was through him that I met Chris. Also, through his girlfriend, Melanie, I was given numerous opportunities to preach at her father's church. Then, her father, Albert Mulkey, performed our wedding.
I know God directed my first friend at Baylor to me, because it was through him I found my first church position at Youth and Music Director at Downsville Baptist Church. I am sure He directed me to visit Dave and Norma's house while I was at Downsville, because it was through him that I became pastor at Smith Bend.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture. It is so important for us to follow God's leading because He is outside of time and space. He sees the beginning and the end at the same time. Then, He directs us to the place we need to be to receive His blessings. If we try to accomplish it our way, we can miss a lot of those blessings. However, He is always good to bless us, even when we have been away from Him for a while, if we will humbly turn back to Him. There is nothing like being led by the providence of the All-Knowing, All-Loving God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 4-6.