Finding Your Destiny

We concluded our services with Dr. Grady McMurtry this evening. He gave a message on the complexity of the universe which emphasized the complexity of the human body and the worth of an individual. Dr. McMurtry ended by sharing from the first part of Ephesians 2:10. I want to take it one step further tonight, and remind us all of the end of the verse.

Do you have a destiny? Is there a reason you were created? Did God design you with a special life work to accomplish? I believe the answer to these questions is a resounding yes. In fact, He has several things in mind when He creates a person.

God creates every person in His image. That is what makes us so valuable. He makes us in His image so we can enjoy a relationship with Him. However, sin mars that relationship to the point that God had to send His perfect Son to become man and to die for us. Then, we can become a masterpiece in Christ Jesus. We are restored so we can have a relationship with Him. This is the first destiny God has for all of us, but many people miss it because they miss knowing Christ as Lord of their lives.

The second is just as vital. Part of being that masterpiece is that God designs us in Christ for good works that we should accomplish in our lives. Those works are our destiny. It is not what we want to do. It is what God designed for us to do. We find our destiny when we find what He designed us for, and we do it. Then, we come to the best part of the destiny. It is not what we get so much as the fruit that is produced for His glory and for His kingdom.

You might want your destiny to be that you would be rich or famous. However, let me tell you this one thing. If you get to Heaven that will be far better than anything you could have in this world, and heaven is eternal, not just a few years like this life. Then, when someone walks up to you in heaven and tells you that they are there because of something you said or did, that is greater than any amount of money. For that person you will be famous forever. However, you will have to admit to them and to the Lord that you could not have done any of it without the power of the Holy Spirit working in you. So it all comes back to Him, not us.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 10-12.

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