Dry Oatmeal
There is no way we can ever understand fully how influential we are in the lives of our children and grandchildren. They watch us and look up to us so much. Their lives are shaped by what they see and hear each waking moment. It is a big responsibility and privilege for us. Our influence could lead them to have a fantastic life. Of course, they have a choice, but we are part of shaping those choices.
Fridays are my day to hang out with Jacob, at least when Dixie is working. Chris needs to do her shopping, so we have some guys time. This morning we went to Sam's, stopping at Quiktrip on the way for a drink. Then, after lunch, we made a few more stops. However, it was at lunch that Jacob did something that amazed me. I was trying to feed him quickly, and I was getting hungry, too. I am pretty strange in some of my eating habits. Sometimes, I eat dry oatmeal, the quick oats variety. Jacob had a nice cheese sandwich, but he wanted what Grandad was eating, so I gave him a bite. His face curled up a bit, and he started to spit it out. Then, he reached up and pushed it all back into his mouth. He swallowed it, and he asked for more.
Now, that takes the cake for me. I thought he would just reject it and be done with it. It did not work that way, because Jacob wants whatever I have to eat or drink, even to the extreme of eating dry oatmeal. I just pray that I can be a good example for him, and I won't teach him too much wierd stuff.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 8-11.
Fridays are my day to hang out with Jacob, at least when Dixie is working. Chris needs to do her shopping, so we have some guys time. This morning we went to Sam's, stopping at Quiktrip on the way for a drink. Then, after lunch, we made a few more stops. However, it was at lunch that Jacob did something that amazed me. I was trying to feed him quickly, and I was getting hungry, too. I am pretty strange in some of my eating habits. Sometimes, I eat dry oatmeal, the quick oats variety. Jacob had a nice cheese sandwich, but he wanted what Grandad was eating, so I gave him a bite. His face curled up a bit, and he started to spit it out. Then, he reached up and pushed it all back into his mouth. He swallowed it, and he asked for more.
Now, that takes the cake for me. I thought he would just reject it and be done with it. It did not work that way, because Jacob wants whatever I have to eat or drink, even to the extreme of eating dry oatmeal. I just pray that I can be a good example for him, and I won't teach him too much wierd stuff.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 8-11.