Love and Trust
Our men had a great Bible study in Luke 10 this morning at 5 AM. We studied the story of the lawyer who came to Jesus and asked what he needed to do to inherit eternal life and the story of the good Samaritan that is part of Jesus' answer to his question. As always, the guys were so hungry to know God's Word and to put it into practice.
Jesus answered the lawyer's question with a couple of questions of his own. The lawyer told Jesus that according to the Law to inherit eternal life a person had to love the Lord with all his heart, soul, strength, and mind, and love his neighbor as himself. Jesus agreed with his answer. He said, "Do this and you will live." Therefore, I asked the men to tell me what love has to do with trust? We would say that a person is saved by trusting the Lord. This man said it was by loving the Lord and others. So, how are love and trust connected? The truth that we need to learn from this is that we must enter a love relationship with the Lord to have life. We can't love Him if we don't trust Him. Love and trust go together. This is true in human relationships, too.
Then, what does loving others have to do with having eternal life? The Bible tells us over and over that if truly love God, we will love other people, too. The reason is that God is love, and He loves everyone. Once we come to know Him, we receive His love, and we will love others like He does. We are to be Christ's hands and feet here in this world to do just what the Samaritan did for the man who was robbed and left for dead. Then, the world can see we have been changed by the power of God, and we have His love.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 31 and Ecclesiastes 1-2.
Jesus answered the lawyer's question with a couple of questions of his own. The lawyer told Jesus that according to the Law to inherit eternal life a person had to love the Lord with all his heart, soul, strength, and mind, and love his neighbor as himself. Jesus agreed with his answer. He said, "Do this and you will live." Therefore, I asked the men to tell me what love has to do with trust? We would say that a person is saved by trusting the Lord. This man said it was by loving the Lord and others. So, how are love and trust connected? The truth that we need to learn from this is that we must enter a love relationship with the Lord to have life. We can't love Him if we don't trust Him. Love and trust go together. This is true in human relationships, too.
Then, what does loving others have to do with having eternal life? The Bible tells us over and over that if truly love God, we will love other people, too. The reason is that God is love, and He loves everyone. Once we come to know Him, we receive His love, and we will love others like He does. We are to be Christ's hands and feet here in this world to do just what the Samaritan did for the man who was robbed and left for dead. Then, the world can see we have been changed by the power of God, and we have His love.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 31 and Ecclesiastes 1-2.