Celebrating Two Birthdays
We had a great time celebrating with my mother and Lori on their birthdays today. Have I ever told you the story about how they came to have the same birthday? I don't remember telling you, so I will do it now.
Chris and I were married for a few years before having children, mostly because I was finishing college and seminary. Then, as my time at seminary was getting short, we prayed about having our first child. We did not have any money, so we asked God to help us save at least $1,000, if it was time for us to have a baby. It was not long until we had the money. Then, Chris got pregnant a little earlier than we had planned, but it was just fine with us. Lori was born six weeks before I graduated from seminary, and we had wanted it to be just a little after graduation.
Lori was supposed to be born early in March according to the doctor. However, God had a different idea. Chris went for her pre-natal visits, and the due date came and went. Then, it was two weeks past the due date. The doctor said if Chris did not go into labor in a few days, he would induce the labor. The same day she was to go in, she went into labor. Chris had a very difficult labor all day, and until late at night. Finally, the nurse said that the baby was coming very soon, so they started to get the delivery room ready. However, just at that moment Lori stopped coming. She waited until about forty minutes after midnight to be born. We were amazed. It was like she knew the next day was her grandmother's birthday, and she wanted to share the day with her. Ever since then, we have been celebrating their birthdays together whenever we could.
This year, we all came to Texas to celebrate. We have had a great time being together and remembering all that God has done for us through the years.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 3-5.
Chris and I were married for a few years before having children, mostly because I was finishing college and seminary. Then, as my time at seminary was getting short, we prayed about having our first child. We did not have any money, so we asked God to help us save at least $1,000, if it was time for us to have a baby. It was not long until we had the money. Then, Chris got pregnant a little earlier than we had planned, but it was just fine with us. Lori was born six weeks before I graduated from seminary, and we had wanted it to be just a little after graduation.
Lori was supposed to be born early in March according to the doctor. However, God had a different idea. Chris went for her pre-natal visits, and the due date came and went. Then, it was two weeks past the due date. The doctor said if Chris did not go into labor in a few days, he would induce the labor. The same day she was to go in, she went into labor. Chris had a very difficult labor all day, and until late at night. Finally, the nurse said that the baby was coming very soon, so they started to get the delivery room ready. However, just at that moment Lori stopped coming. She waited until about forty minutes after midnight to be born. We were amazed. It was like she knew the next day was her grandmother's birthday, and she wanted to share the day with her. Ever since then, we have been celebrating their birthdays together whenever we could.
This year, we all came to Texas to celebrate. We have had a great time being together and remembering all that God has done for us through the years.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 3-5.