Fruits Worthy Of Repentance
This morning we had one of our smaller crowds for our men's Bible study at 5 AM, but we had a great study from Luke 3:8-14. Our discussion and study revolved around the difference between fruits of repentance and the good works done by many people in our society.
John baptized the people who came to him and made the commitment to repent of their sins. He did not leave it at that, though. He told them that it was not real unless there was fruit from their repentance. The fruit was evidence that they had turned from the flesh, and they were following God's way. Also, the fruits were things they would not and could not do on their own. It was what the Spirit led them to do, because of their change of mind. I think you can see how different that is from what most people do. Most people want to make some points with God by doing something nice for someone or doing an act of service. They really do it because they want a reward, not just because it is the right thing to do, or because they care for the other person. John was not talking about trying to work your way to Heaven. He was trying to show the people of his day and us that God expects a heart change that is so real it changes our attitudes and actions for the better.
We all agreed that we need this type of repentance in the USA in 2009. We live in a selfish society that is not very concerned with doing the right thing. Mostly, people want to have it their own way. Yes, they want to try to please God, but only on their own terms, and there is no heart change. This situation calls for us all to take up the message of John the Baptist and Jesus who said that a tree is known by it's fruit. A bad tree can't bear good fruit, and a good tree can't bear bad fruit. How is your fruit? Are there fruits of repentance in your life? Are there fruits of salvation in your life? The proof is in the fruit according to God's Word.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 17-18 and John 13:1-20.
John baptized the people who came to him and made the commitment to repent of their sins. He did not leave it at that, though. He told them that it was not real unless there was fruit from their repentance. The fruit was evidence that they had turned from the flesh, and they were following God's way. Also, the fruits were things they would not and could not do on their own. It was what the Spirit led them to do, because of their change of mind. I think you can see how different that is from what most people do. Most people want to make some points with God by doing something nice for someone or doing an act of service. They really do it because they want a reward, not just because it is the right thing to do, or because they care for the other person. John was not talking about trying to work your way to Heaven. He was trying to show the people of his day and us that God expects a heart change that is so real it changes our attitudes and actions for the better.
We all agreed that we need this type of repentance in the USA in 2009. We live in a selfish society that is not very concerned with doing the right thing. Mostly, people want to have it their own way. Yes, they want to try to please God, but only on their own terms, and there is no heart change. This situation calls for us all to take up the message of John the Baptist and Jesus who said that a tree is known by it's fruit. A bad tree can't bear good fruit, and a good tree can't bear bad fruit. How is your fruit? Are there fruits of repentance in your life? Are there fruits of salvation in your life? The proof is in the fruit according to God's Word.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 17-18 and John 13:1-20.