Not of This World
This morning we had a great group of men at 5 AM. We continued our discussion beginning with my question to them from the week before. How are we as disciples not of this world, just as Jesus is not of this world? Jesus said that in verse 14 and verse 16. The men really did a wonderful job of breaking it down.
Of course, we are not of this world because we have a relationship with God, and the people of this world do not. The world in this case is all of the people of this world system which is opposed to God. Also, by virtue of our relationship with God through Christ, we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, not of this world. Therefore, we have an eternal perspective on things in this life. Also, we are spiritually and physically separated from the things of this world, because we have been set apart by the Holy Spirit at salvation, and we live differently because of the Indwelling Spirit. Therefore, we are different from those in this world.
It is a great joy to realize that this world is not our home. We are just passing through on the way to Heaven. We are temporarily on this earth to do God's will, but we will live for eternity with Him in Heaven. That truth will set us free from bondage to the things of this world. Also, we discussed being sanctified by the truth. The Word of God is Truth, so we are sanctified or set apart as much as we obey the Word. The more we obey, the more set apart we are. The result will be a great difference in our lives, and the people of the world will hate us for being intolerant and insisting on absolute truth. The truth is that there is only one way to Heaven and that is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that we are on the way to Heaven and that we will be a bright light to the world as we go through this life, pointing people to the truth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 31-32 and Acts 23:16-35.
Of course, we are not of this world because we have a relationship with God, and the people of this world do not. The world in this case is all of the people of this world system which is opposed to God. Also, by virtue of our relationship with God through Christ, we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, not of this world. Therefore, we have an eternal perspective on things in this life. Also, we are spiritually and physically separated from the things of this world, because we have been set apart by the Holy Spirit at salvation, and we live differently because of the Indwelling Spirit. Therefore, we are different from those in this world.
It is a great joy to realize that this world is not our home. We are just passing through on the way to Heaven. We are temporarily on this earth to do God's will, but we will live for eternity with Him in Heaven. That truth will set us free from bondage to the things of this world. Also, we discussed being sanctified by the truth. The Word of God is Truth, so we are sanctified or set apart as much as we obey the Word. The more we obey, the more set apart we are. The result will be a great difference in our lives, and the people of the world will hate us for being intolerant and insisting on absolute truth. The truth is that there is only one way to Heaven and that is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that we are on the way to Heaven and that we will be a bright light to the world as we go through this life, pointing people to the truth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 31-32 and Acts 23:16-35.