Maturity or Immaturity
What do you think is the difference between a person who is mature and a person who is immature? Some say it is a matter of age. Others say it is sophistication about the ways of the world. Still others would try to say that it is the behavior of the person. I do not think it is any of those things. I believe that being mature is knowing what to do in the situations of life. Maturity comes from knowing right and wrong, good and bad, and being able to live by that understanding in all of the circumstances of life. Immaturity is trying to do things your own way, because you do not know or you don't care what is right or wrong or good or bad.
Jesus wants all of us to become mature Christians. That is even a higher level of maturity. A mature Christian is able to do whatever Jesus designed us to do in the way He wants us to do it. It comes from knowing His Word, being filled with His Spirit, and obeying all that we know. He expects all of His children to reach maturity, because He leads them into all truth and He guides them through the experiences of life to do His Word. I am convinced that is true. So, why are there so few mature Christians today? I am not completely sure, but I believe it is something that we should consider and our churches should be concerned with producing mature Christians, since that is what Jesus wants.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 5-7 and Acts 8:1-25.
Jesus wants all of us to become mature Christians. That is even a higher level of maturity. A mature Christian is able to do whatever Jesus designed us to do in the way He wants us to do it. It comes from knowing His Word, being filled with His Spirit, and obeying all that we know. He expects all of His children to reach maturity, because He leads them into all truth and He guides them through the experiences of life to do His Word. I am convinced that is true. So, why are there so few mature Christians today? I am not completely sure, but I believe it is something that we should consider and our churches should be concerned with producing mature Christians, since that is what Jesus wants.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 5-7 and Acts 8:1-25.