Pumpkin is my cat. She came to me via my daughter, Dixie, who rescued her from a difficult home life just after she had given birth to three kittens. Her owners did not really want her, and they certainly did not want the kittens, so Dixie brought them all to our house. Two of the kittens disappeared and the crippled one found a home with a friend of ours. We kept, Pumpkin, to be an outside cat, since Chris is so allergic to cats, and we already had Dixie's cat, Sugar, in the house. However, now Pumpkin is an inside cat because we bonded with her because she was trapped with our garage door on her head for 5 hours one Sunday, but she lived through it. She is our miracle cat. Don't ask me what all we had to do to nurse her through her injury, but it was amazing that she had no broken bones and no brain damage.
All of us became close to her, but she took up with me. She sits with me most mornings when I have my "unhurried time." She sits in my lap while I pray and read. Then, in the evenings she crawls back up into my lap just to relax and to get a stomach rub. This is very unusual for me. I have always been a dog person. I still am a dog person, but now that I have a sociable cat who responds to my voice and sits with me, I have been won over to appreciate cats. She just jumped into my lap right now, so I am typing with her in the way, but she is satisfied to be near me.
Pumpkin has helped me to learn to be quiet and to relax. Most of my life, I have had to be busy doing something all of the time. When I see how relaxed Pumpkin can be, it helps me to relax, too. It is nice for her to like to be with me. She seems to enjoy my presence, not just because I feed her or walk her. My dog, Midnight, is the same in that respect. I have come to be attached to Pumpkin, as you can tell. However, Pumpkin has been used by God to show me how I should love other people. If I love a cat, just an animal God made for enjoyment and companionship, how much more should I love people? I have realized that if I love people like Pumpkin loves me, they will love me back, most of the time. That may sound crazy, but it true for me. Since I am primarily a task oriented person, I needed to understand that relationships take more time and just relaxing together. Pumpkin has been God's way of showing me that, too. Isn't it wonderful how God teaches us in so many ways, if we will stop to think about what He is saying?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 36-38 and Matthew 23:1-22.
All of us became close to her, but she took up with me. She sits with me most mornings when I have my "unhurried time." She sits in my lap while I pray and read. Then, in the evenings she crawls back up into my lap just to relax and to get a stomach rub. This is very unusual for me. I have always been a dog person. I still am a dog person, but now that I have a sociable cat who responds to my voice and sits with me, I have been won over to appreciate cats. She just jumped into my lap right now, so I am typing with her in the way, but she is satisfied to be near me.
Pumpkin has helped me to learn to be quiet and to relax. Most of my life, I have had to be busy doing something all of the time. When I see how relaxed Pumpkin can be, it helps me to relax, too. It is nice for her to like to be with me. She seems to enjoy my presence, not just because I feed her or walk her. My dog, Midnight, is the same in that respect. I have come to be attached to Pumpkin, as you can tell. However, Pumpkin has been used by God to show me how I should love other people. If I love a cat, just an animal God made for enjoyment and companionship, how much more should I love people? I have realized that if I love people like Pumpkin loves me, they will love me back, most of the time. That may sound crazy, but it true for me. Since I am primarily a task oriented person, I needed to understand that relationships take more time and just relaxing together. Pumpkin has been God's way of showing me that, too. Isn't it wonderful how God teaches us in so many ways, if we will stop to think about what He is saying?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 36-38 and Matthew 23:1-22.