God is Working
I was very encouraged by the response of our church family to God's Word today during and after our morning worship service. I had several people speak to me about seeking reconciliation and forgiveness in their relationships with other people. That is what God told me to share before we had the Lord's Supper, because our emphasis this month is fellowship. I knew exactly what He wanted me to share, and I wrote down the verses He brought to my heart and mind. I was faithful to share it, and God used it to work on His people to get right with others. That is the road to real revival in any church.
When I walked into the worship center, there were several visitors, and Satan started in on me. He told me that I should not share those verses because the visitors might get the wrong impression of our church and think we had serious problems. I have heard him say that many times over the years, but I have learned about his lies, so I went ahead and shared the truth in love. Satan was defeated. God was glorified, and one of the visitors told me he would be back with his family. That is the faithfulness of God to work when we obey Him. Praise His holy name!
I am going to continue to pray for God to use those verses in other people's hearts, too. I know that we all need to be serious about loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. I can't wait to see what God will continue to do as we are faithful to obey Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 34-35 and Matthew 22:23-46.
When I walked into the worship center, there were several visitors, and Satan started in on me. He told me that I should not share those verses because the visitors might get the wrong impression of our church and think we had serious problems. I have heard him say that many times over the years, but I have learned about his lies, so I went ahead and shared the truth in love. Satan was defeated. God was glorified, and one of the visitors told me he would be back with his family. That is the faithfulness of God to work when we obey Him. Praise His holy name!
I am going to continue to pray for God to use those verses in other people's hearts, too. I know that we all need to be serious about loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. I can't wait to see what God will continue to do as we are faithful to obey Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 34-35 and Matthew 22:23-46.