Who is Your Father? - I Chronicles 1-3 and John 5:25-47
Every year as I read the genealogies in the Bible, I am reminded that family is important to the Lord and to all of us. Family really does impact our lives. The Jewish people were very proud that they could trace their ancestry back to Abraham. They knew that God had chosen Abraham, and He had promised to bless the descendants of Abraham, so they wanted to be able to claim that blessing. They were so concerned about this that they even kept up with the other families so they could show that they were not descendants of Isaac, the son of promise. They felt so important and blessed by God, just because they were in Abraham's family. The problem was that they missed God's point. It was not Abraham's blood that was important. It was Abraham's faith that was the deciding factor. God was looking to bless those who followed in the faith of Abraham. Therefore, they got way off track in their pride. They forgot about a personal relationship with God.
Then, Jesus came to the earth, and He called them back to a relationship with God. He used their laws from the Old Testament to give witnesses to Himself being the very Son of God. They did not like Jesus saying that God was His Father. They thought that was false teaching. Jesus told them in John 5 that the writings of Moses proved that He was God. They were not listening, because they were so stuck on being sons of Abraham. Jesus told them they were not sons of Abraham at all, because they did not have faith in God. They were sons of Satan. That was true. He was trying to get them to see that the only family that really matters is God's family, and a person enters that family by faith in Jesus, because Jesus was and is God. Therefore, I ask you, "Who is your father?" The answer is vitally important. Either you have one earthly father, or you have two fathers. Either you have been born once, or you have been born twice. If you have been born again, God is your Father. It is a spiritual birth through trusting Jesus to forgive you and bring you into God's family. I pray that you know God as your Father. If not, please, accept Christ as Savior and Lord, today. God wants you in His family.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 4-6 and John 6:1-21.
Then, Jesus came to the earth, and He called them back to a relationship with God. He used their laws from the Old Testament to give witnesses to Himself being the very Son of God. They did not like Jesus saying that God was His Father. They thought that was false teaching. Jesus told them in John 5 that the writings of Moses proved that He was God. They were not listening, because they were so stuck on being sons of Abraham. Jesus told them they were not sons of Abraham at all, because they did not have faith in God. They were sons of Satan. That was true. He was trying to get them to see that the only family that really matters is God's family, and a person enters that family by faith in Jesus, because Jesus was and is God. Therefore, I ask you, "Who is your father?" The answer is vitally important. Either you have one earthly father, or you have two fathers. Either you have been born once, or you have been born twice. If you have been born again, God is your Father. It is a spiritual birth through trusting Jesus to forgive you and bring you into God's family. I pray that you know God as your Father. If not, please, accept Christ as Savior and Lord, today. God wants you in His family.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 4-6 and John 6:1-21.