Observations on How God Works - I Chronicles 4-6 and John 6:1-21
God is not at all limited in how He works in this world, but it is good to observe from His Word how He has worked in the past. That gives us insights into how He will work in our lives today. The prayer of Jabez is a good example. God worked through the prayer of one faithful man. It was a simple prayer. It was a general prayer, but it was a prayer that allowed God to answer in His way with His power. I believe God still works like that today when a faithful individual cries out to God for blessing. Then, there is the example of the tribe of Gad. They won a victory over the Hagrites, because they cried out to God in battle. He answered their prayer because they trusted Him. That is an example of God working in a group of faithful people, who are willing to act, but they know they need the Lord's help. They cry out from a faithful heart that is unified in trust of God. He still works like that today, too, whether it is a family, a church, or another group. Another way that God works is through music. He even appointed a group of musicians to lead the worship for His people. Music is a special gift from God, and He can work in it to influence people and to change lives. Think about the ways God has worked in your life through music.
In John 5 we see Jesus working through miracles. How did He do these miracles and why did He do them? He wanted to test the disciples so He told them to feed the multitude of over 5,000 people. When they could not figure out how, He showed them how easy it was for God. He took 5 loaves and 2 fish, and He simply asked the Father to bless it. Then, there was more than enough with 12 baskets left over. I believe God is still working miracles to show us, if we depend on Him, He can make more than enough out of a little. When Jesus came walking on the water, the disciples had been rowing against the wind for 3 or 4 miles. What a strain of effort. However, when He climbed into the boat, they arrived at the shore immediately. Jesus was working in that way to show that our effort is useless, but He takes no effort at all to complete difficult tasks. Why would we want to work in our own strength when we could see God do it perfectly and quickly? We need to think about that one a long time.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 7-9 and John 6:22-44.
In John 5 we see Jesus working through miracles. How did He do these miracles and why did He do them? He wanted to test the disciples so He told them to feed the multitude of over 5,000 people. When they could not figure out how, He showed them how easy it was for God. He took 5 loaves and 2 fish, and He simply asked the Father to bless it. Then, there was more than enough with 12 baskets left over. I believe God is still working miracles to show us, if we depend on Him, He can make more than enough out of a little. When Jesus came walking on the water, the disciples had been rowing against the wind for 3 or 4 miles. What a strain of effort. However, when He climbed into the boat, they arrived at the shore immediately. Jesus was working in that way to show that our effort is useless, but He takes no effort at all to complete difficult tasks. Why would we want to work in our own strength when we could see God do it perfectly and quickly? We need to think about that one a long time.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 7-9 and John 6:22-44.