God's Judgment Day Will Come - II Kings 24-25 and John 5:1-24
Many people live their lives depending on the love and mercy of God. They think that they will escape the judgment of God upon their sins, even if they do not repent and ask for forgiveness. They have neglected to remember the justice and holiness of God, which is just as sure as His love and mercy. Yes, God does love us, and He is merciful. However, there is a point at which He acts in justice against sin. This truth is clearly presented in these passages. I pray that all of us will meditate on these things as we read and think about what God's Word says.
Jerusalem was destroyed and the people were taken away to Babylon, except for the poorest of the poor. God sent prophet after prophet to warn them and call them back to Him. They ignored them. God acted in mercy over and over, and they spurned His mercy. Finally, Manasseh shed so much innocent blood that God could not pardon them any more. (24:3,4) He sent the Babylonians to carry out His punishment. I believe at that point there was nothing they could have done to stop the Lord. They had run headlong into the immovable, unchangeable Holy God. Believe me, you don't want to have that happen to you. Listen to the Lord. Turn to Him completely, so this does not have to happen to you. Jesus died to forgive your sins, but the repenting and receiving is up to you.
Look at John 5. We have the story of the man Jesus healed by the pool of Bethesda. This is a great example of the mercy of God. There is no indication that the man had prayed or even really wanted to be healed. He was just making excuses as to why he could not get into the water fast enough. Then, Jesus healed him out of His mercy. Afterward, when the man spoke to Jesus again, what did Jesus say? He told him to "sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon him." Why did Jesus say that at such a joyful time? He said it because it was true. God's judgment comes upon sin that is not forgiven. If this man assumed he was blessed by God, because of his healing, he might have thought he could live any way he desired. Jesus told him not to think that way. He is telling us the same thing. We can't presume upon the mercy and love of God. We must realize His Judgment Day is coming. Yes, Christians will not be judged for our sins as we stand before Christ at His Mercy Seat Judgment, but we will have to give an account of our lives. I am referring to the here and now. Don't think that Jesus will not punish your sins, if you are a Christian. He tells us to confess them and to repent. If we don't, there will be consequences.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 1-3 and John 5:25-47.
Jerusalem was destroyed and the people were taken away to Babylon, except for the poorest of the poor. God sent prophet after prophet to warn them and call them back to Him. They ignored them. God acted in mercy over and over, and they spurned His mercy. Finally, Manasseh shed so much innocent blood that God could not pardon them any more. (24:3,4) He sent the Babylonians to carry out His punishment. I believe at that point there was nothing they could have done to stop the Lord. They had run headlong into the immovable, unchangeable Holy God. Believe me, you don't want to have that happen to you. Listen to the Lord. Turn to Him completely, so this does not have to happen to you. Jesus died to forgive your sins, but the repenting and receiving is up to you.
Look at John 5. We have the story of the man Jesus healed by the pool of Bethesda. This is a great example of the mercy of God. There is no indication that the man had prayed or even really wanted to be healed. He was just making excuses as to why he could not get into the water fast enough. Then, Jesus healed him out of His mercy. Afterward, when the man spoke to Jesus again, what did Jesus say? He told him to "sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon him." Why did Jesus say that at such a joyful time? He said it because it was true. God's judgment comes upon sin that is not forgiven. If this man assumed he was blessed by God, because of his healing, he might have thought he could live any way he desired. Jesus told him not to think that way. He is telling us the same thing. We can't presume upon the mercy and love of God. We must realize His Judgment Day is coming. Yes, Christians will not be judged for our sins as we stand before Christ at His Mercy Seat Judgment, but we will have to give an account of our lives. I am referring to the here and now. Don't think that Jesus will not punish your sins, if you are a Christian. He tells us to confess them and to repent. If we don't, there will be consequences.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 1-3 and John 5:25-47.