The Blood Makes Atonement for the Soul - Leviticus 17-18 and Matthew 27:27-50
The soul of man is so wicked. Read the sins listed here in Leviticus 17 and 18. Consider the actions of those who persecuted Jesus and put Him to death, as you read Matthew 27. There is no doubt that we are all sinners. Our sin cuts us off from God. We must have an atonement for our sin, so we can be reconciled with God. Leviticus 17:11 tells us that the blood makes atonement for the soul. That is why God was and is so serious about respecting blood. Also, the life is in the blood, so blood represents life, and God is serious about the sanctity of life.
The word atonement means to be "at one" with God. God will not receive us into His fellowship until our sin has been atoned. The shedding of blood pays the price of death. Then, we are brought back to God. The blood of animals was a temporary atonement that had to be repeated often. God had a much better atonement, a perfect and eternal atonement. The ultimate atonement comes through the perfect blood of Jesus, the God-Man. He shed His blood for us on that cruel cross, and it can be applied to our sinful soul, if we will trust Him in repentance and faith. Then, we can be reconciled with God forever. I pray that all of us can get a glimpse of the precious blood of Jesus running down that Cross, as He gave His life to atone for sin, once and for all. Let's all tell Him how much we appreciate His unselfish sacrifice to make us right with God.
Feb. 16, I intend to read Leviticus 19-20 and Matthew 27:51-66.
Feb. 17, I intend to read Leviticus 21-22 and Matthew 28.
Feb. 18, I intend to read Leviticus 23-24 and Mark 1:1-22.
Feb. 19, I intend to read Leviticus 25 and Mark 1:23-45.
Feb. 20, I intend to read Leviticus 26-27 and Mark 2.
Feb. 21, I intend to read Numbers 1-2 and Mark 3:1-19.
Feb. 22, I intend to read Numbers 3-4 and Mark 3:20-35.
Feb. 23, I intend to read Numbers 5-6 and Mark 4:1-20.
The word atonement means to be "at one" with God. God will not receive us into His fellowship until our sin has been atoned. The shedding of blood pays the price of death. Then, we are brought back to God. The blood of animals was a temporary atonement that had to be repeated often. God had a much better atonement, a perfect and eternal atonement. The ultimate atonement comes through the perfect blood of Jesus, the God-Man. He shed His blood for us on that cruel cross, and it can be applied to our sinful soul, if we will trust Him in repentance and faith. Then, we can be reconciled with God forever. I pray that all of us can get a glimpse of the precious blood of Jesus running down that Cross, as He gave His life to atone for sin, once and for all. Let's all tell Him how much we appreciate His unselfish sacrifice to make us right with God.
Feb. 16, I intend to read Leviticus 19-20 and Matthew 27:51-66.
Feb. 17, I intend to read Leviticus 21-22 and Matthew 28.
Feb. 18, I intend to read Leviticus 23-24 and Mark 1:1-22.
Feb. 19, I intend to read Leviticus 25 and Mark 1:23-45.
Feb. 20, I intend to read Leviticus 26-27 and Mark 2.
Feb. 21, I intend to read Numbers 1-2 and Mark 3:1-19.
Feb. 22, I intend to read Numbers 3-4 and Mark 3:20-35.
Feb. 23, I intend to read Numbers 5-6 and Mark 4:1-20.