January 14, 2006 - Genesis 33-35 and matthew 10:1-20
Worry is a big problem for a lot of people. In Genesis 33 Jacob is still worried about how Esau will receive him, even after his time of wrestling with the lord. However, his fears did not materialize. Esau was glad to see him. He did not have to bribe him with the gifts. God had worked it all out. Isn't that how it usually works when we worry? The thing we fear never happens. That is one main reason God does not want us to worry. The other reason is that He wants us to trust Him from the beginning. I pray that God will free us from worry and teach us all to trust Him.
Genesis 34 is another example of the wrong way to deal with an issue. Jacob's sons acted in deceit and in revenge to deal with Dinah's defilement, when they should have communicated their displeasure and followed God's way. I think the key is in verse 5. It says that Jacob kept silent. If he would have spoken up, the whole situation could have been changed. His sons might have listened to him, and God's will could have been done. However, his silence led to sin. That is often how it works in life. If we don't speak up at the right time, the wrong thing is done, and we are stuck with the results. Let's ask God to help us speak up for the truth.
Genesis 35 gives us some insight into why Jacob's sons had acted like they did. It says that he had to encourage them to put away their idols as they went back to Bethel. Why did they have idols in the first place? Jacob knew about them, too. Why did he not speak up sooner? If we let the little things go, they turn into big things. God was still leading them and blessing them, but it would have been much better, if they had stayed close to Him, instead of worshipping idols. Let's not let any idols creep into our lives or into our families.
Matthew 10 shows us a great truth about being a disciple. Jesus sent them out to share the simple message of the kingdom. They were not to simply sit at His feet and learn His word. They were to go out and share what they heard. This holds true for all of the disciples of Jesus today, too. All of us are sent out into the world to share that God's kingdom is near. He will empower us, but we must go intentionally to share the good news of salvation through Jesus. In the process we must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves as we trust Him to give us the words to say. (v.16) The longer you have been a Christian and the more you have shared, the greater your realization of this truth. Ask God for His wisdom, because the people of this world will be cunning in what they do. We must be wise and let God lead us through His Spirit each day. That is the only way to be successful as we encounter the world with the gospel.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 36-38 and Matthew 10:21-42.
Genesis 34 is another example of the wrong way to deal with an issue. Jacob's sons acted in deceit and in revenge to deal with Dinah's defilement, when they should have communicated their displeasure and followed God's way. I think the key is in verse 5. It says that Jacob kept silent. If he would have spoken up, the whole situation could have been changed. His sons might have listened to him, and God's will could have been done. However, his silence led to sin. That is often how it works in life. If we don't speak up at the right time, the wrong thing is done, and we are stuck with the results. Let's ask God to help us speak up for the truth.
Genesis 35 gives us some insight into why Jacob's sons had acted like they did. It says that he had to encourage them to put away their idols as they went back to Bethel. Why did they have idols in the first place? Jacob knew about them, too. Why did he not speak up sooner? If we let the little things go, they turn into big things. God was still leading them and blessing them, but it would have been much better, if they had stayed close to Him, instead of worshipping idols. Let's not let any idols creep into our lives or into our families.
Matthew 10 shows us a great truth about being a disciple. Jesus sent them out to share the simple message of the kingdom. They were not to simply sit at His feet and learn His word. They were to go out and share what they heard. This holds true for all of the disciples of Jesus today, too. All of us are sent out into the world to share that God's kingdom is near. He will empower us, but we must go intentionally to share the good news of salvation through Jesus. In the process we must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves as we trust Him to give us the words to say. (v.16) The longer you have been a Christian and the more you have shared, the greater your realization of this truth. Ask God for His wisdom, because the people of this world will be cunning in what they do. We must be wise and let God lead us through His Spirit each day. That is the only way to be successful as we encounter the world with the gospel.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 36-38 and Matthew 10:21-42.