January 12, 2006 - Genesis 29-30 and Matthew 9:1-17
What did God have in store for Jacob after he had deceived his father into giving him the blessing? That is what we read about in these two chapters in Genesis today. Do you think God was trying to tell him something? Do you think God wanted Jacob to learn a lesson? I believe God was trying to teach Jacob through Laban's actions. I do not believe that God caused Laban to act deceitfully toward Jacob, but God used it to try to show him the harmfulness of deception. God is able to take whatever happens to us and to use it for our growth. We must listen and apply what we learn so it benefits our lives.
It seems to me that Jacob was trying to live a righteous life when he went to Laban's house to find a wife. He served Laban seven years for Rachel. That is a long time. However, then he was deceived into marrying Leah first. Then, he had to work seven more years for Rachel. Then, all of the children began to be born to his wives and to their maids. Jacob's life was greatly complicated because of Laban's deception. God was able to bless Jacob through all of this, but He was trying to teach him not to deceive people. I am sad to say that Jacob did not learn the lesson very well. When he had the chance to choose his wages from Laban, he put together a plan to cause his flocks to prosper and for Laban's to be weak and fewer in number. Was this revenge or just some form of deception? I am not sure exactly how it worked, but I am sure that it was not all honest. This shows me that Jacob's heart was still not where it should be. We need to renounce deception and embrace truth in our lives. We need to let God show us how deception causes pain and strife.
In Matthew 9 Jesus shows that He came to forgive sins. Yes, He healed people, but that was secondary in His mission. He came to be the physician for those who were sin sick. That is why He forgave the paralyzed man as well as healing him. That is why He kept company with tax collectors and other sinners. He wanted them to know the forgiveness of their sins. I pray that we can all see the love of Jesus for the unbelievers. He did not shy away from them. He went to them. He made friends with them, so He could relate the truth to them. Jesus wants us to have the same compassionate love for those around us today, who are living in sin. We need to be able to relate to them, so we can show them the truth. This does not mean compromise. It does mean love. Remember, people don't care how much we know, until they know how much we care.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 31-32 and Matthew 9:18-38.
It seems to me that Jacob was trying to live a righteous life when he went to Laban's house to find a wife. He served Laban seven years for Rachel. That is a long time. However, then he was deceived into marrying Leah first. Then, he had to work seven more years for Rachel. Then, all of the children began to be born to his wives and to their maids. Jacob's life was greatly complicated because of Laban's deception. God was able to bless Jacob through all of this, but He was trying to teach him not to deceive people. I am sad to say that Jacob did not learn the lesson very well. When he had the chance to choose his wages from Laban, he put together a plan to cause his flocks to prosper and for Laban's to be weak and fewer in number. Was this revenge or just some form of deception? I am not sure exactly how it worked, but I am sure that it was not all honest. This shows me that Jacob's heart was still not where it should be. We need to renounce deception and embrace truth in our lives. We need to let God show us how deception causes pain and strife.
In Matthew 9 Jesus shows that He came to forgive sins. Yes, He healed people, but that was secondary in His mission. He came to be the physician for those who were sin sick. That is why He forgave the paralyzed man as well as healing him. That is why He kept company with tax collectors and other sinners. He wanted them to know the forgiveness of their sins. I pray that we can all see the love of Jesus for the unbelievers. He did not shy away from them. He went to them. He made friends with them, so He could relate the truth to them. Jesus wants us to have the same compassionate love for those around us today, who are living in sin. We need to be able to relate to them, so we can show them the truth. This does not mean compromise. It does mean love. Remember, people don't care how much we know, until they know how much we care.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 31-32 and Matthew 9:18-38.