January 11, 2006 - Genesis 27-28 and Matthew 8:18-34
These two chapters of Genesis would make a good plot for a television soap opera, wouldn't they? There are lies, deception, hatred, threats, rebellion, estrangement, and all sorts of strife between family members. It shows us that people have not changed. The sinful nature leads all of us to try to do things our own way, instead of God's way. The good thing is that God is so wise and strong He can overrule our mistakes when He needs to, so that His will can be done in spite of our sin.
In chapter 27 the focus should be on the importance of the verbal blessing of Isaac for his son. However, because of the lies and deception, we miss the blessing, if we are not careful. The Hebrews believed in pronouncing a verbal blessing on their children, especially the firstborn, and they believed that God would bring it to pass. It was not just a nice wish for a happy life. It had a basis in their personality and character, too. I think we should have more of a belief in this today. Our children need to have a definite sense that we support them. They need to be reassured of our love. They need to have a hope for their future, and they need to realize that it is all tied to their character and personality. I think the blessing is a good way to do this. Sometimes, it needs to be spoken and sometimes it should be written, so it can read over and over.
Chapter 28 tells of Jacob setting out for Padan Aram to escape Esau's anger and to get a wife from Laban's family. The contrast is made between Jacob and his obedience to his parents and Esau and his rebellion in marrying pagan wives. Again, I believe this shows the heart of each man, which was the basis of God's choosing Jacob over Esau. However, the main part of the chapter is Jacob's vision and his vow to be faithful to God and to give a tithe, because of his commitment. This shows Jacob's sensitivity to God's will from the beginning. He may not have followed His will completely, but he had a desire to follow Him. What about your heart? I know I ask you that a lot, but it is so important. None of us will rise above the level of our heart's desire to follow the Lord. God sees that each day we live.
Matthew 8 speaks of discipleship. The disciple is to become like his teacher. In the case of a disciple of Jesus this means that we do not live a life of trust in material possessions or in family. We trust Him. Yes, we need money, and we love our families, but they can't be more important than Jesus, because He is Lord, and wherever, He leads we will go. The disciples took a while to learn this. They doubted Jesus in the storm, and they were amazed at His power. Why? He is Lord. It takes us all a while to get that through our thick heads, doesn't it? Why don't we just let Him take care of the winds and the waves of life? The reason is the same reason the people asked Jesus to leave their country after He cast out the demons into the swine. They wanted a life of comfort and material blessings. They wanted to do it their way. They did not like change or loss of money. Therefore, this Jesus had to go. I am afraid that holds a lot of people back. They do not want Jesus to be Lord. He is either Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. We can't be saved without making Him Lord of our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 29-30 and Matthew 9:1-17.
In chapter 27 the focus should be on the importance of the verbal blessing of Isaac for his son. However, because of the lies and deception, we miss the blessing, if we are not careful. The Hebrews believed in pronouncing a verbal blessing on their children, especially the firstborn, and they believed that God would bring it to pass. It was not just a nice wish for a happy life. It had a basis in their personality and character, too. I think we should have more of a belief in this today. Our children need to have a definite sense that we support them. They need to be reassured of our love. They need to have a hope for their future, and they need to realize that it is all tied to their character and personality. I think the blessing is a good way to do this. Sometimes, it needs to be spoken and sometimes it should be written, so it can read over and over.
Chapter 28 tells of Jacob setting out for Padan Aram to escape Esau's anger and to get a wife from Laban's family. The contrast is made between Jacob and his obedience to his parents and Esau and his rebellion in marrying pagan wives. Again, I believe this shows the heart of each man, which was the basis of God's choosing Jacob over Esau. However, the main part of the chapter is Jacob's vision and his vow to be faithful to God and to give a tithe, because of his commitment. This shows Jacob's sensitivity to God's will from the beginning. He may not have followed His will completely, but he had a desire to follow Him. What about your heart? I know I ask you that a lot, but it is so important. None of us will rise above the level of our heart's desire to follow the Lord. God sees that each day we live.
Matthew 8 speaks of discipleship. The disciple is to become like his teacher. In the case of a disciple of Jesus this means that we do not live a life of trust in material possessions or in family. We trust Him. Yes, we need money, and we love our families, but they can't be more important than Jesus, because He is Lord, and wherever, He leads we will go. The disciples took a while to learn this. They doubted Jesus in the storm, and they were amazed at His power. Why? He is Lord. It takes us all a while to get that through our thick heads, doesn't it? Why don't we just let Him take care of the winds and the waves of life? The reason is the same reason the people asked Jesus to leave their country after He cast out the demons into the swine. They wanted a life of comfort and material blessings. They wanted to do it their way. They did not like change or loss of money. Therefore, this Jesus had to go. I am afraid that holds a lot of people back. They do not want Jesus to be Lord. He is either Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. We can't be saved without making Him Lord of our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 29-30 and Matthew 9:1-17.