October 9 - Matthew 7-9
In most of the passages we will read in the New Testament there are so many insights that I could never mention each one of them. I try to let the lord speak to me and lead me to one or two that are helpful to me that day. I hope these are a blessing to you, but I am sure that many days you will be drawn to other things. If you have questions or comments for me, feel free to let me know. I would love to learn from you, too.
Today, the Lord showed me the importance of words and actions as opposed to words without actions, or actions without words. The truth is our words and our actions must come out of our relationship with Christ for them to have power and meaning. As you read through this passage or think back through it, look for all of the times that there is an emphasis on words or on actions. I believe the Lord will reinforce that both are important.
In chapter 7 as Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount He emphasizes obedience to what He has taught them. He says that we must not condemn others, but help them after we get right ourselves. He tells us to ask, seek, and knock as we seek God's will. He says we must enter the narrow gate, and our fruits will reveal our true self. It won't be enough to say we believe in Jesus when we get to heaven. There must have been an obedient love relationship with Him. We must have built our houses on the rock of obedience.
Then, after having said these things, Jesus proceeds to work a series of miracles that are a combination of words and actions. However, in each case the words have to be backed up by the power of God through a relationship with Him, or the words are useless. Take the centurion in chapter 8. He told Jesus to simply say the word and his servant would be healed, but that could only happen through the authority of Jesus. Later in the same chapter Jesus spoke to calm the winds and the waves, but He could only speak that way because of His authority. In chapter 9 Jesus healed the paralyzed man. He asked the crowd, "Which is easier to say your sins be forgiven you or to say arise and walk." Of course, if He said that his sins were forgiven, those could be hollow words and no one could tell. However, when He backed up the words with the action of healing, they could see the power of God to heal and to forgive. This same principle is applicable for the woman with the bleeding problem. She did not just say that she believed Jesus could heal her. She acted upon her faith, and Jesus healed her.
Do our words and our actions match up? I pray that they do. If they don't, there is a big problem, because words are not enough. A confession of faith is not enough. It must be faith that is seen to be real faith by the works. The works come by the power of God, not our own power, but they are evidence of our relationship with Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 10-12.
Today, the Lord showed me the importance of words and actions as opposed to words without actions, or actions without words. The truth is our words and our actions must come out of our relationship with Christ for them to have power and meaning. As you read through this passage or think back through it, look for all of the times that there is an emphasis on words or on actions. I believe the Lord will reinforce that both are important.
In chapter 7 as Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount He emphasizes obedience to what He has taught them. He says that we must not condemn others, but help them after we get right ourselves. He tells us to ask, seek, and knock as we seek God's will. He says we must enter the narrow gate, and our fruits will reveal our true self. It won't be enough to say we believe in Jesus when we get to heaven. There must have been an obedient love relationship with Him. We must have built our houses on the rock of obedience.
Then, after having said these things, Jesus proceeds to work a series of miracles that are a combination of words and actions. However, in each case the words have to be backed up by the power of God through a relationship with Him, or the words are useless. Take the centurion in chapter 8. He told Jesus to simply say the word and his servant would be healed, but that could only happen through the authority of Jesus. Later in the same chapter Jesus spoke to calm the winds and the waves, but He could only speak that way because of His authority. In chapter 9 Jesus healed the paralyzed man. He asked the crowd, "Which is easier to say your sins be forgiven you or to say arise and walk." Of course, if He said that his sins were forgiven, those could be hollow words and no one could tell. However, when He backed up the words with the action of healing, they could see the power of God to heal and to forgive. This same principle is applicable for the woman with the bleeding problem. She did not just say that she believed Jesus could heal her. She acted upon her faith, and Jesus healed her.
Do our words and our actions match up? I pray that they do. If they don't, there is a big problem, because words are not enough. A confession of faith is not enough. It must be faith that is seen to be real faith by the works. The works come by the power of God, not our own power, but they are evidence of our relationship with Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 10-12.